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Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.3 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | yes |
Шумопотискане | Call noise cancellation/Multi-EQ |
Контрол на звука | Tap twice: Answer/end a call, play the previous/next track, resume/pause the playback, or wake up the voice assistant. |
Време за работа на батерия | Lithium-ion polymer battery, Earbuds: 41 mAh, Charging case: 510 mAh; Music playback: 9.0 hours after a full charge and 40 hours with multiple charges in the charging case; Voice calling: 5 hours after a full charge and 24 hours in the charging case |
Време за зареждане | Charging the earbuds with the charging case: approx. 60 minutes; Charging the empty charging case with a cable: approx. 110 minutes; Charging the charging case with a cable, with the earbuds inside the case: approx. 110 minutes |
Цвят | Black |
Други | IP54 Dust- and Splash-Resistance; Hall effect sensor/Touch sensor; Dynamic driver: 10.0 mm dynamic driver unit; Earbuds: 33.6 x 17.8 x 18.1 mm; Charging case: 50.4 x 50.3 x 23.4 mm; Each earbud: 3.8 g; Charging case: 33 g |
Huawei FreeBuds SE 2 ULC-CT010 Black
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.3 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | yes |
Шумопотискане | Call noise cancellation/Multi-EQ |
Контрол на звука | Tap twice: Answer/end a call, play the previous/next track, resume/pause the playback, or wake up the voice assistant. |
Време за работа на батерия | Lithium-ion polymer battery, Earbuds: 41 mAh, Charging case: 510 mAh; Music playback: 9.0 hours after a full charge and 40 hours with multiple charges in the charging case; Voice calling: 5 hours after a full charge and 24 hours in the charging case |
Време за зареждане | Charging the earbuds with the charging case: approx. 60 minutes; Charging the empty charging case with a cable: approx. 110 minutes; Charging the charging case with a cable, with the earbuds inside the case: approx. 110 minutes |
Цвят | Ceramic White |
Други | IP54 Dust- and Splash-Resistance; Hall effect sensor/Touch sensor; Dynamic driver: 10.0 mm dynamic driver unit; Earbuds: 33.6 x 17.8 x 18.1 mm; Charging case: 50.4 x 50.3 x 23.4 mm; Each earbud: 3.8 g; Charging case: 33 g |
Huawei FreeBuds SE 2 ULC-CT010
№ 6941487283002
Huawei Scale 3, Dobby-B19, Smart Body Fat Scale, Smart Health Monitoring, Elegant White
Вид | Personal |
Капацитет, kg | 150.0 kg |
Точност, g | Human body composition measurement: Weight, BMI, fat rate, visceral fat level, skeletal muscle mass, fat-free weight, basic metabolic rate (BMR), protein, bone salt, and body water percentage |
LCD дисплей | Discreet LED display |
Други функции | Bluetooth 5.0, supporting BLE |
Материал | The scale is made of tempered glass (as the load-bearing surface), stainless steel metal electrodes, and the engineering plastic ABS (as the bottom surface) |
Цвят | White |
Други | Dimensions: 280 x 280 x 25.5 mm; Weight: 1.5 kg; Compatible phone systems: Android 6.0, or iOS 9.0, or later |
Huawei Scale 3, Dobby-B19, Smart Body...
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.4 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | Dynamic driver: 10.0 mm dynamic driver unit |
Шумопотискане | Call noise cancellation/Multi-EQ |
Контрол на звука | Double-tap: Play/pause music, answer/end a call, Triple-tap: Play the next track |
Време за работа на батерия | Lithium-ion polymer battery, Earbuds: 41 mAh (each earbud), Charging case: 510 mAh, Music playback: 9.0 h after a full charge and 42 h, Voice calling: 5 h after a full charge and 24 h (with multiple charges in the charging case) |
Време за зареждане | Wired charging: USB-C, Charging the earbuds with the charging case: approx. 60 minutes, Charging the empty charging case with a cable: approx. 110 minutes, Charging the charging case with a cable, with the earbuds inside the case: approx. 110 minutes |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 20 Hz - 20 KHz |
Дължина на кабела, m | Hall effect sensor/Touch sensor |
Цвят | Beige |
Други | IP54 Dust- and Splash-Resistance; Earbuds: 33.6 x 17.8 x 18.1 mm; Charging case: 50.4 x 50.3 x 23.4 mm, 33 g; Each earbud: 33.6 x 17.8 x 18.1 mm, 3.8 g |
Huawei FreeBuds SE 3 ULC-CT020 Beige
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.4 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | Dynamic driver: 10.0 mm dynamic driver unit |
Шумопотискане | Call noise cancellation/Multi-EQ |
Контрол на звука | Double-tap: Play/pause music, answer/end a call, Triple-tap: Play the next track |
Време за работа на батерия | Lithium-ion polymer battery, Earbuds: 41 mAh (each earbud), Charging case: 510 mAh, Music playback: 9.0 h after a full charge and 42 h, Voice calling: 5 h after a full charge and 24 h (with multiple charges in the charging case) |
Време за зареждане | Wired charging: USB-C, Charging the earbuds with the charging case: approx. 60 minutes, Charging the empty charging case with a cable: approx. 110 minutes, Charging the charging case with a cable, with the earbuds inside the case: approx. 110 minutes |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 20 Hz - 20 KHz |
Дължина на кабела, m | Hall effect sensor/Touch sensor |
Цвят | Black |
Други | IP54 Dust- and Splash-Resistance; Earbuds: 33.6 x 17.8 x 18.1 mm; Charging case: 50.4 x 50.3 x 23.4 mm, 33 g; Each earbud: 33.6 x 17.8 x 18.1 mm, 3.8 g |
Huawei FreeBuds SE 3 ULC-CT020 Black
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | yes |
Шумопотискане | Active noise cancellation, Call noise cancellation, Transparency mode |
Контрол на звука | Press control: twice/long press, Swipe control: up/down |
Време за работа на батерия | Per earbud: 55 mAh (min), Charging case: 410 mAh (min); Playtime: Music playback on 1 charge: 6.0 hours, Music playback with charging case: 18.5 hours |
Време за зареждане | About 60 minutess for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 110 for charging case without earbuds (wired) |
Цвят | Ceramic White |
Други | Earbuds: IP54; 10 mm dynamic driver; Hall sensor/Cap sensor; Per earbud: 21.7 x 23.9 x 30.9 mm, 4.9 g; Charging case: 61.8 x 26.9 x 48.2 mm, 33.9 g |
Huawei FreeBuds 5i Ceramic White, Blu...
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | yes |
Шумопотискане | Active noise cancellation, Call noise cancellation, Transparency mode |
Контрол на звука | Press control: twice/long press, Swipe control: up/down |
Време за работа на батерия | Per earbud: 55 mAh (min), Charging case: 410 mAh (min); Playtime: Music playback on 1 charge: 6.0 hours, Music playback with charging case: 18.5 hours |
Време за зареждане | About 60 minutess for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 110 for charging case without earbuds (wired) |
Цвят | Nebula Black |
Други | Earbuds: IP54; 10 mm dynamic driver; Hall sensor/Cap sensor; Per earbud: 21.7 x 23.9 x 30.9 mm, 4.9 g; Charging case: 61.8 x 26.9 x 48.2 mm, 33.9 g |
Huawei FreeBuds 5i Nebula Black, Blue...
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | yes |
Шумопотискане | Press & hold: Enable or disable noise canceling/Awareness |
Контрол на звука | Swipe up/down: Turn the volume up or down, Double-tap: Play/pause music, answer/end a call, Triple-tap: Play the next track |
Време за работа на батерия | Music playback with the earbuds only (ANC OFF): 8 hours, Music playback with the earbuds only (ANC ON): 5 hours, Music playback with multiple charges in the case (ANC OFF): 35 hours, Music playback with multiple charges in the case (ANC ON): 20 hours |
Време за зареждане | Wired charging: USB-C, Charge time: About 40 minutes for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 1 hour for the charging case (wired); Earbuds: 55 mAh, Charging case: 510 mAh |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz to 40 kHz |
Цвят | White |
Други | Infrared sensor, Hall sensor, Touch sensor, 11 mm quad-magnet dynamic driver, Charging case: 61.8 x 27.0 x 48.2 mm, 34 g, Each earbud: 21.3 x 23.7 x 31.4 mm, 5.4 g |
Huawei FreeBuds 6i White
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | yes |
Шумопотискане | Press & hold: Enable or disable noise canceling/Awareness |
Контрол на звука | Swipe up/down: Turn the volume up or down, Double-tap: Play/pause music, answer/end a call, Triple-tap: Play the next track |
Време за работа на батерия | Music playback with the earbuds only (ANC OFF): 8 hours, Music playback with the earbuds only (ANC ON): 5 hours, Music playback with multiple charges in the case (ANC OFF): 35 hours, Music playback with multiple charges in the case (ANC ON): 20 hours |
Време за зареждане | Wired charging: USB-C, Charge time: About 40 minutes for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 1 hour for the charging case (wired); Earbuds: 55 mAh, Charging case: 510 mAh |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz to 40 kHz |
Цвят | Black |
Други | Infrared sensor, Hall sensor, Touch sensor, 11 mm quad-magnet dynamic driver, Charging case: 61.8 x 27.0 x 48.2 mm, 34 g, Each earbud: 21.3 x 23.7 x 31.4 mm, 5.4 g |
Huawei FreeBuds 6i Black
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | yes |
Шумопотискане | Press & hold: Enable or disable noise canceling/Awareness |
Контрол на звука | Swipe up/down: Turn the volume up or down, Double-tap: Play/pause music, answer/end a call, Triple-tap: Play the next track |
Време за работа на батерия | Music playback with the earbuds only (ANC OFF): 8 hours, Music playback with the earbuds only (ANC ON): 5 hours, Music playback with multiple charges in the case (ANC OFF): 35 hours, Music playback with multiple charges in the case (ANC ON): 20 hours |
Време за зареждане | Wired charging: USB-C, Charge time: About 40 minutes for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 1 hour for the charging case (wired); Earbuds: 55 mAh, Charging case: 510 mAh |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz to 40 kHz |
Цвят | Purple |
Други | Infrared sensor, Hall sensor, Touch sensor, 11 mm quad-magnet dynamic driver, Charging case: 61.8 x 27.0 x 48.2 mm, 34 g, Each earbud: 21.3 x 23.7 x 31.4 mm, 5.4 g |
Huawei FreeBuds 6i Purple
№ 6942103106255
Huawei Freebuds Pro3 Piano-T100, Green, Dual speaker true sound, Inteligent dynamic ANC 3.0, Triple adaptive EQ, Bluetooth 5.2, USB-C
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.2 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | 3 silicon microphones, 1 bone conduction microphones |
Шумопотискане | Digital cross-over/Triple Adaptive EQ/Active noise cancellation/Call noise cancellation/Transparency Mode |
Контрол на звука | Press control: once / twice / three times / long press / Swipe control (up/down) |
Време за работа на батерия | Music playback: 6.5 hours (ANC OFF) and 31 hours when used with the charging case, 4.5 hours (ANC ON) and 22 hours when used with the charging case; Battery capacity - Earphones: 55 mAh (minimum value each), Charging case: 510 mAh (minimum value) |
Време за зареждане | About 40 mins for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 1 hour for the charging case without earbuds (wired), About 150 mins for charging case without earbuds (wireless); Charging - Wired: USB Type-C, Wireless: up to 2 W |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz - 48 KHz |
Цвят | Green |
Други | IP54 dust- and water-resistance is only applicable to the earbuds themselves, not the charging case; Dual Driver: 11 mm dynamic driver + planar diaphragm driver; Dimensions Charging case: 65.9 x 24.5 x 46.9 mm, Per earbud: 29.1 x 21.8 x 23.7 mm |
Huawei Freebuds Pro3 Piano-T100, Gree...
№ 6942103106224
Huawei Freebuds Pro 3, Piano-T100, Ceramic Whiter, Dual speaker true sound, Inteligent dynamic ANC 3.0, Triple adaptive EQ, Bluetooth 5.2, USB-C
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.2 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | 3 silicon microphones, 1 bone conduction microphones |
Шумопотискане | Digital cross-over/Triple Adaptive EQ/Active noise cancellation/Call noise cancellation/Transparency Mode |
Контрол на звука | Press control: once / twice / three times / long press / Swipe control (up/down) |
Време за работа на батерия | Music playback: 6.5 hours (ANC OFF) and 31 hours when used with the charging case, 4.5 hours (ANC ON) and 22 hours when used with the charging case; Battery capacity - Earphones: 55 mAh (minimum value each), Charging case: 510 mAh (minimum value) |
Време за зареждане | About 40 mins for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 1 hour for the charging case without earbuds (wired), About 150 mins for charging case without earbuds (wireless); Charging - Wired: USB Type-C, Wireless: up to 2 W |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz - 48 KHz |
Цвят | White |
Други | IP54 dust- and water-resistance is only applicable to the earbuds themselves, not the charging case; Dual Driver: 11 mm dynamic driver + planar diaphragm driver; Dimensions Charging case: 65.9 x 24.5 x 46.9 mm, Per earbud: 29.1 x 21.8 x 23.7 mm |
Huawei Freebuds Pro 3, Piano-T100, Ce...
Тип | Open-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.3 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | Enjoy crystal-clear calls with a delicate microphone system that works in tandem with a multi-channel deep neural network (DNN) algorithm to effectively pick out voices from ambient noises |
Шумопотискане | AI Call Noise Cancellation |
Контрол на звука | Tap on the Acoustic Ball, the C-bridge, or the Comfort Bean, for seamless control; Double-tap: Play/Pause audio, or answer/end a call; Triple-tap: Play the next track |
Време за работа на батерия | Music playback: 8 hours after a full charge and 36 hours when used with the charging case; Battery capacity - Earphones: 55 mAh (minimum value each), Charging case: 510 mAh (minimum value) |
Време за зареждане | About 40 mins for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 1 hour for the charging case without earbuds (wired), About 150 mins for charging case without earbuds (wireless); Charging - Wired: USB Type-C, Wireless: up to 2 W |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz - 48 KHz |
Цвят | Black |
Други | IP54 Dust & Water Resistance is only applicable to the earbuds themselves, not the charging case; VPU sensor/IMU sensor/Hall sensor/CAP sensor; Dimensions Charging case: 59.7 x 27.4 x 52.0 mm, Per earbud: 26.7 x 22.0 x 25.3 mm |
Huawei FreeClip Dove-T00 Black, Bluet...
Тип | Open-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.3 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | Enjoy crystal-clear calls with a delicate microphone system that works in tandem with a multi-channel deep neural network (DNN) algorithm to effectively pick out voices from ambient noises |
Шумопотискане | AI Call Noise Cancellation |
Контрол на звука | Tap on the Acoustic Ball, the C-bridge, or the Comfort Bean, for seamless control; Double-tap: Play/Pause audio, or answer/end a call; Triple-tap: Play the next track |
Време за работа на батерия | Music playback: 8 hours after a full charge and 36 hours when used with the charging case; Battery capacity - Earphones: 55 mAh (minimum value each), Charging case: 510 mAh (minimum value) |
Време за зареждане | About 40 mins for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 1 hour for the charging case without earbuds (wired), About 150 mins for charging case without earbuds (wireless); Charging - Wired: USB Type-C, Wireless: up to 2 W |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz - 48 KHz |
Цвят | Beige |
Други | IP54 Dust & Water Resistance is only applicable to the earbuds themselves, not the charging case; VPU sensor/IMU sensor/Hall sensor/CAP sensor; Dimensions Charging case: 59.7 x 27.4 x 52.0 mm, Per earbud: 26.7 x 22.0 x 25.3 mm |
Huawei FreeClip Dove-T00 Beige, Bluet...
Тип | Open-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.3 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | Enjoy crystal-clear calls with a delicate microphone system that works in tandem with a multi-channel deep neural network (DNN) algorithm to effectively pick out voices from ambient noises |
Шумопотискане | AI Call Noise Cancellation |
Контрол на звука | Tap on the Acoustic Ball, the C-bridge, or the Comfort Bean, for seamless control; Double-tap: Play/Pause audio, or answer/end a call; Triple-tap: Play the next track |
Време за работа на батерия | Music playback: 8 hours after a full charge and 36 hours when used with the charging case; Battery capacity - Earphones: 55 mAh (minimum value each), Charging case: 510 mAh (minimum value) |
Време за зареждане | About 40 mins for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 1 hour for the charging case without earbuds (wired), About 150 mins for charging case without earbuds (wireless); Charging - Wired: USB Type-C, Wireless: up to 2 W |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz - 48 KHz |
Цвят | Purple |
Други | IP54 Dust & Water Resistance is only applicable to the earbuds themselves, not the charging case; VPU sensor/IMU sensor/Hall sensor/CAP sensor; Dimensions Charging case: 59.7 x 27.4 x 52.0 mm, Per earbud: 26.7 x 22.0 x 25.3 mm |
Huawei FreeClip Dove-T00 Purple, Blue...
Тип | Open-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.3 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | Enjoy crystal-clear calls with a delicate microphone system that works in tandem with a multi-channel deep neural network (DNN) algorithm to effectively pick out voices from ambient noises |
Шумопотискане | AI Call Noise Cancellation |
Контрол на звука | Tap on the Acoustic Ball, the C-bridge, or the Comfort Bean, for seamless control; Double-tap: Play/Pause audio, or answer/end a call; Triple-tap: Play the next track |
Време за работа на батерия | Music playback: 8 hours after a full charge and 36 hours when used with the charging case; Battery capacity - Earphones: 55 mAh (minimum value each), Charging case: 510 mAh (minimum value) |
Време за зареждане | About 40 mins for the earbuds (in the charging case), About 1 hour for the charging case without earbuds (wired), About 150 mins for charging case without earbuds (wireless); Charging - Wired: USB Type-C, Wireless: up to 2 W |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz - 48 KHz |
Цвят | Rose gold |
Други | IP54 Dust & Water Resistance is only applicable to the earbuds themselves, not the charging case; VPU sensor/IMU sensor/Hall sensor/CAP sensor; Dimensions Charging case: 59.7 x 27.4 x 52.0 mm, Per earbud: 26.7 x 22.0 x 25.3 mm |
Huawei FreeClip Dove-T01 Rose gold
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.2 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | Dual Driver: 11 mm dynamic driver + planar diaphragm driver |
Шумопотискане | Digital cross-over/Triple Adaptive EQ/Active noise cancellation/Call noise cancellation/Transparency Mode |
Контрол на звука | Three taps: Previous/Next song, Slide: Slide up or down to adjust the volume, Press and hold: Enable/Disable noise reduction and reject calls/Wake up the voice assistant, Two taps: Answer the call |
Време за работа на батерия | Earbuds: 55 mAh (each), Charging case: 510 mAh, Music playback (noise canceling disabled): 6.5 h after a full charge and 31 h with charging case, Music playback (noise canceling enabled): 4.5 h after a full charge and 22 h with charging case |
Време за зареждане | Wired charger: USB-C Port: 5V-0.5A or above, Wireless charger: supported, up to 5W, Charging time: 40 mins for the earbuds (in the charging case); 1 hour for the charging case without earbuds (wired); 150 mins for charging case without earbuds (wireless) |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz - 48 KHz |
Дължина на кабела, m | Infrared sensor, Hall sensor, Gyroscope, Accelerometer sensor, Bone acoustic sensor, Touch sensor, Press sensor |
Цвят | White |
Други | IP54 dust- and water-resistance is only applicable to the earbuds themselves, not the charging case; Dimensions Charging case: 65.9 x 24.5 x 46.9 mm, Per earbud: 29.1 x 21.8 x 23.7 mm; Weight: Charging case 47 g, Each earbud 5.8 g |
Huawei FreeBuds Pro 4 Piano-T180 Cera...
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.2 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | Dual Driver: 11 mm dynamic driver + planar diaphragm driver |
Шумопотискане | Digital cross-over/Triple Adaptive EQ/Active noise cancellation/Call noise cancellation/Transparency Mode |
Контрол на звука | Three taps: Previous/Next song, Slide: Slide up or down to adjust the volume, Press and hold: Enable/Disable noise reduction and reject calls/Wake up the voice assistant, Two taps: Answer the call |
Време за работа на батерия | Earbuds: 55 mAh (each), Charging case: 510 mAh, Music playback (noise canceling disabled): 6.5 h after a full charge and 31 h with charging case, Music playback (noise canceling enabled): 4.5 h after a full charge and 22 h with charging case |
Време за зареждане | Wired charger: USB-C Port: 5V-0.5A or above, Wireless charger: supported, up to 5W, Charging time: 40 mins for the earbuds (in the charging case); 1 hour for the charging case without earbuds (wired); 150 mins for charging case without earbuds (wireless) |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz - 48 KHz |
Дължина на кабела, m | Infrared sensor, Hall sensor, Gyroscope, Accelerometer sensor, Bone acoustic sensor, Touch sensor, Press sensor |
Цвят | Black |
Други | IP54 dust- and water-resistance is only applicable to the earbuds themselves, not the charging case; Dimensions Charging case: 65.9 x 24.5 x 46.9 mm, Per earbud: 29.1 x 21.8 x 23.7 mm; Weight: Charging case 47 g, Each earbud 5.8 g |
Huawei FreeBuds Pro 4 Piano-T180 Blac...
Тип | In-ear |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth 5.2 |
Конектор | N/A |
Микрофон | Dual Driver: 11 mm dynamic driver + planar diaphragm driver |
Шумопотискане | Digital cross-over/Triple Adaptive EQ/Active noise cancellation/Call noise cancellation/Transparency Mode |
Контрол на звука | Three taps: Previous/Next song, Slide: Slide up or down to adjust the volume, Press and hold: Enable/Disable noise reduction and reject calls/Wake up the voice assistant, Two taps: Answer the call |
Време за работа на батерия | Earbuds: 55 mAh (each), Charging case: 510 mAh, Music playback (noise canceling disabled): 6.5 h after a full charge and 31 h with charging case, Music playback (noise canceling enabled): 4.5 h after a full charge and 22 h with charging case |
Време за зареждане | Wired charger: USB-C Port: 5V-0.5A or above, Wireless charger: supported, up to 5W, Charging time: 40 mins for the earbuds (in the charging case); 1 hour for the charging case without earbuds (wired); 150 mins for charging case without earbuds (wireless) |
Честотен обхват, Hz | 14 Hz - 48 KHz |
Дължина на кабела, m | Infrared sensor, Hall sensor, Gyroscope, Accelerometer sensor, Bone acoustic sensor, Touch sensor, Press sensor |
Цвят | Green |
Други | IP54 dust- and water-resistance is only applicable to the earbuds themselves, not the charging case; Dimensions Charging case: 65.9 x 24.5 x 46.9 mm, Per earbud: 29.1 x 21.8 x 23.7 mm; Weight: Charging case 47 g, Each earbud 5.8 g |