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- SAMSUNG консумативи
Предназначен за | Охлаждащи системи |
Х-ка 2 | TG-30 is a premium thermal compound for high standard cooling performance designed to lower CPU temperatures effectively. |
Х-ка 3 | The thermal compound contains diamond powder, which would provide a thermal conductivity of 4.5 W/m-k that could fulfill the user’s primary needs. |
Х-ка 4 | Density: 2.55 g/cm3 |
Х-ка 5 | Viscosity: 76 Pa-s |
Х-ка 6 | Thermal impedance: 0.185°C -in2/W |
Х-ка 7 | Thermaltake’s specially formulated thermal compound fits perfectly with the honeycomb stencil, which provides an easier way to apply your thermal compound for a neat and well-covered surface that fits all CPUs. |
Х-ка 8 | The high-quality thermal compound provides a longer lifespan of eliminating dry-out or cracking while in use. Non-electrical conductive compound ensures better safety measures for you and your system. |
Thermaltake TG-30 4G
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | A transparent, slide-adjustable Graphics Card Holder with a magnetic stand that offers easy installation to eliminate graphics card sag and gives your GPU great structural support. |
Х-ка 3 | With its slide adjustable design ranging from 37mm to 132mm, users can easily adjust the Graphics Card Holder to match the height of the GPU. |
Х-ка 4 | There are magnets on the bottom of the Graphics Card Holder, that allows users to attach it directly to the chassis without any tools. |
Х-ка 5 | With its magnetic stand, the Graphics Card Holder can be easily placed in multiple locations for convenience and flexibility. |
Х-ка 6 | The Graphics Card Holder comes with a removable silica pad to prevent scratching of the components during installation while keep acoustics and vibrations to a minimum. |
Thermaltake Graphics Card Holder
Предназначен за | Охлаждащи системи |
Х-ка 2 | TG-50 is a premium thermal compound for high standard cooling performance designed to lower CPU temperatures effectively. |
Х-ка 3 | With a thermal conductivity of 8.0 W/m-k, the thermal compound also contains diamonds powder allowing users to pursue a higher heat transfer rate. |
Х-ка 4 | Density: 2.9 g/cm3 |
Х-ка 5 | Viscosity: 47 Pa-s |
Х-ка 6 | Thermal impedance: 0.035°C -in2/W |
Х-ка 7 | Thermaltake’s specially formulated thermal compound fits perfectly with the honeycomb stencil, which provides an easier way to apply your thermal compound for a neat and well-covered surface that fits all CPUs. |
Х-ка 8 | This thermal compound application kit includes a set of easily-applied tools for immediate use. |
Thermaltake TG-50 4G
Предназначен за | Охлаждащи системи |
Х-ка 2 | With a thermal conductivity of 52 W/m-k, the TG-60 liquid metal compound shows a high heat transfer rate better than other thermal compounds, ensuring the best cooling performance. |
Х-ка 3 | Electrical conductivity: 7.28*106 mS/cm |
Х-ка 4 | Thermal conductivity: 52 W/m-k |
Х-ка 5 | Density: 6.2 g/cm3 |
Х-ка 6 | Melting temperature: 3°C |
Х-ка 7 | Operating temperature: 3°C - 200°C |
Х-ка 8 | Cotton Swabs x 2, Alcohol Pads x 2, Pinhead x 1 |
Thermaltake TG-60 Liquid Metal 1G
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | The Chassis Stand for The Tower 300 includes a bottom cover and a display stand, giving users another option to display their Tower 300 horizontally for easy case customization and a unique viewing experience. |
Х-ка 3 | Anti-Scratch Rubber Pad |
Х-ка 4 | Anti-Slip Design |
Х-ка 5 | Black |
Thermaltake Chassis Stand Kit Tower 3...
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | The Chassis Stand for The Tower 300 includes a bottom cover and a display stand, giving users another option to display their Tower 300 horizontally for easy case customization and a unique viewing experience. |
Х-ка 3 | Anti-Scratch Rubber Pad |
Х-ка 4 | Anti-Slip Design |
Х-ка 5 | White |
Thermaltake Chassis Stand Kit Tower 3...
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | Dr. Power III PSU Tester has been meticulously crafted to accommodate all contemporary ATX power supplies, up to ATX12V v3.1. |
Х-ка 3 | Its inclusive design incorporates the PCIe 12+4pin connector and adeptly detects SENSE0/SENSE1 sideband signals of the latest PCIe 12+4pin connector, distinguishing power levels of 150W, 300W, 450W, and 600W. |
Х-ка 4 | The LCD display enhances the experience, allowing users to effortlessly read and interpret the test results with clarity and ease. |
Х-ка 5 | The real-time LCD monitoring displays the output voltage for +12V, +5V, +3.3V, and +5Vsb. |
Х-ка 6 | Users can choose the approach that best suits their preferences with both manual and automatic testing modes, enabling them to quickly diagnose the power supply output status. |
Х-ка 7 | Dr. Power III incorporates a robust built-in diagnostic system that identifies issues such as low-voltage, high-voltage, no voltage, and PG alarm systems. |
Х-ка 8 | If no fault occurs during the test, the LCD backlight will remain white. Once any fault occurs, the LCD backlight will turn red and make a “beep” sound. |
Thermaltake Dr. Power III (Power Supp...
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | Customize your system build with the TtMod Sleeve Cable, which is sleeved with the heatshrinkless sleeving method and comes in three-layered design. |
Х-ка 3 | Outer ultra-density weaving, the middle insulating layer with acid and alkali-resistance, fuel resistance, damp proof, and mildew proof features, and inner certified 16 AWG wire. |
Х-ка 4 | The new individually sleeved cables are heat-shrink free to ensure high-quality cable assembly and support for high currents in order to achieve superior performance and stability. |
Х-ка 5 | Cable combs with rounded edges provide a professional look and easy installation. Each comb can be placed individually along the cable for proper fitment and routing. Improve overall airflow and case clutter with premium routing of each cable. |
Х-ка 6 | All cables are built with high-quality 16 AWG wires and ultra-density cable sleeving to deliver superior electrical connection. |
Х-ка 7 | Made with premium materials, the TtMod Sleeve Cable features heatshrinkless sleeving methods and gives aesthetic appeal and excellent durability. |
Х-ка 8 | Color: White and Black |
Thermaltake Mod Sleeved Cable Black &...
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | TtMod Sleeve Cable (Cable Extension) – White AC-050-CN6NAN-A3 Snow TtMod Sleeve Cable (Cable Extension) comes in a full white version. |
Х-ка 3 | Length: 300 mm |
Х-ка 4 | Wire AWG: 16 AWG |
Х-ка 5 | The cable consists of three layers: the outer ultra-density weaving, the middle insulating layer, and the inner 16 AWG wire, for easy bending and cable management. |
Х-ка 6 | The non-heat shrink design ensures high durability and cable aesthetics. |
Х-ка 7 | With universal standard power cable extension connectors, the TtMod Sleeve Cable is fully compatible with most power supply brands and models. |
Х-ка 8 | Color: White |
Thermaltake Mod Sleeved Cable White 3...
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | TtMod Sleeve Cable (Cable Extension) – White AC-050-CN6NAN-A3 Snow TtMod Sleeve Cable (Cable Extension) comes in a full white version. |
Х-ка 3 | Length: 300 mm |
Х-ка 4 | Wire AWG: 16 AWG |
Х-ка 5 | The cable consists of three layers: the outer ultra-density weaving, the middle insulating layer, and the inner 16 AWG wire, for easy bending and cable management. |
Х-ка 6 | The non-heat shrink design ensures high durability and cable aesthetics. |
Х-ка 7 | With universal standard power cable extension connectors, the TtMod Sleeve Cable is fully compatible with most power supply brands and models. |
Х-ка 8 | Color: Black |
Thermaltake Mod Sleeved Cable Black 3...
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | A 200mm PCI-E 16X flexible extender offering graphic data transmission up to 16 Gbps, and supporting PCI Express 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 applications. |
Х-ка 3 | Cable length: 200 mm |
Х-ка 4 | Connector: PCI Express X16 Male to PCI Express X16 Female |
Х-ка 5 | Operating temperature: -20 to +80 deg. C |
Х-ка 6 | Material: Thermoplastic, PCB EM-888, Polyethylene(PE), Copper Alloy, Aluminum foil Mylar |
Thermaltake PCI Express Extender 90° ...
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | A 200mm PCI-E 16X flexible extender offering graphic data transmission up to 16 Gbps, and supporting PCI Express 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 applications. |
Х-ка 3 | Cable length: 300 mm |
Х-ка 4 | Connector: PCI Express X16 Male to PCI Express X16 Female |
Х-ка 5 | Operating temperature: -20 to +80 deg. C |
Х-ка 6 | Material: Thermoplastic, PCB EM-888, Polyethylene(PE), Copper Alloy, Aluminum foil Mylar |
Thermaltake PCI Express Extender 90° ...
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | 2.1” Circle LCD Screen Kit is an expansion accessory for the Ceres 350 MX Series chassis. |
Х-ка 3 | With its 2.1‘’ LCD display, users can use the TT RGB Plus 2.0 software to gain full control of performance monitoring and personalized effects. |
Х-ка 4 | Additionally, the 2.1” Circle LCD Screen Kit can be paired with other Thermaltake Ultra series products, providing the best LCD visual experience. |
Х-ка 5 | Interface : Micro USB to USB (9 PIN) |
Х-ка 6 | System Compatibility : Windows 10/11 |
Х-ка 7 | Power Input : 14W, Rated Voltage : 5V |
Х-ка 8 | Display Resolution : 128 x 480 (RGB) px |
Thermaltake 2.1" Circle LCD Screen Ki...
№ AC-064-OO1NAN-A1
Thermaltake LCD Panel Kit Black ( 3.9" LCD R2 Panel for Ceres 500 TG ARGB )
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | LCD Panel Kit is an exclusive expansion accessory for the Ceres Series chassis. Users can use the TT RGB Plus 2.0 software to gain full control of performance monitoring and personalized effects. |
Х-ка 3 | Тhe LCD Panel Kit can be paired with other Thermaltake Ultra series products, providing the best LCD visual experience. |
Х-ка 4 | Display Type: 3.9” TFT-LCD, Display Resolution: 128 x 480 (RGB), |
Х-ка 5 | Interface: Micro USB to USB |
Х-ка 6 | Power Input: 14 W |
Х-ка 7 | System Compatibility: Windows 10/11 |
Х-ка 8 | Dimensions: 18 x 104 x 214 mm; Color: Black |
Thermaltake LCD Panel Kit Black ( 3.9...
№ AC-064-OO6NAN-A1
Thermaltake LCD Panel Kit Snow ( 3.9" LCD R2 Panel for Ceres 500 TG ARGB Snow )
Предназначен за | Кутии за компютри |
Х-ка 2 | LCD Panel Kit is an exclusive expansion accessory for the Ceres Series chassis. Users can use the TT RGB Plus 2.0 software to gain full control of performance monitoring and personalized effects. |
Х-ка 3 | Тhe LCD Panel Kit can be paired with other Thermaltake Ultra series products, providing the best LCD visual experience. |
Х-ка 4 | Display Type: 3.9” TFT-LCD, Display Resolution: 128 x 480 (RGB), |
Х-ка 5 | Interface: Micro USB to USB |
Х-ка 6 | Power Input: 14 W |
Х-ка 7 | System Compatibility: Windows 10/11 |
Х-ка 8 | Dimensions: 18 x 104 x 214 mm; Color: White |
Thermaltake LCD Panel Kit Snow ( 3.9"...
№ CL-W368-PL00SW-A
Thermaltake Pacific V-RTX 4090 Water Block for ASUS STRIX GPUs & ASUS TUF GPUs
Предназначен за | Видео карти |
Х-ка 2 | Specifically designed for ASUS ROG and TUF 4090 graphics cards, the Pacific V-RTX 4090 Plus (ASUS ROG & TUF) GPU Water Block allows you to add your graphics card into your custom loop. |
Х-ка 3 | Interface: USB 2.0 connectors (9 Pin) |
Х-ка 4 | Power input: 2.5 W |
Х-ка 5 | Pacific V-RTX 4090 GPU water block covers all the GPU’s heat sources, ensuring stable and reliable cooling performance even during overclocking. |
Х-ка 6 | It features 12 addressable LEDs with 16.8 million RGB colors, allowing the reflection of the liquid in the water block to distribute spectacular RGB lighting effects. |
Thermaltake Pacific V-RTX 4090 Water ...
№ CL-W380-PL00SW-A
Thermaltake Pacific V-RTX 4080 Water Block for ASUS STRIX GPUs & ASUS TUF GPUs
Предназначен за | Видео карти |
Х-ка 2 | Specifically designed for ASUS ROG and TUF 4080 graphics cards, the Pacific V-RTX 4080 Plus (ASUS ROG & TUF) GPU Water Block allows you to add your graphics card into your custom loop. |
Х-ка 3 | Interface: USB 2.0 connectors (9 Pin) |
Х-ка 4 | Power input: 2.5 W |
Х-ка 5 | Pacific V-RTX 4080 GPU water block covers all the GPU’s heat sources, ensuring stable and reliable cooling performance even during overclocking. |
Х-ка 6 | It features 12 addressable LEDs with 16.8 million RGB colors, allowing the reflection of the liquid in the water block to distribute spectacular RGB lighting effects. |
Thermaltake Pacific V-RTX 4080 Water ...
№ CL-W388-PL00SW-A
Thermaltake Pacific V-RTX 4090 Water Block for MSI Gaming Trio GPUs & MSI Suprim GPUs
Предназначен за | Видео карти |
Х-ка 2 | Specifically designed for MSI GAMING TRIO & SUPRIM 4090 graphics cards, the Pacific V-RTX 4090 Plus (MSI GAMING TRIO & SUPRIM) GPU Water Block allows you to add your graphics card into your custom loop. |
Х-ка 3 | Interface: USB 2.0 connectors (9 Pin) |
Х-ка 4 | Power input: 2.5 W |
Х-ка 5 | Pacific V-RTX 4090 GPU water block covers all the GPU’s heat sources, ensuring stable and reliable cooling performance even during overclocking. |
Х-ка 6 | Pacific V-RTX 4090/4080 Plus series (MSI GAMING TRIO & SUPRIM) has a copper base with a mirror-finished anti-corrosive nickel plating and an aluminum backplate. |
Х-ка 7 | It features 12 addressable LEDs with 16.8 million RGB colors, allowing the reflection of the liquid in the water block to distribute spectacular RGB lighting effects. |
Thermaltake Pacific V-RTX 4090 Water ...
№ CL-W387-PL00SW-A
Thermaltake Pacific V-RTX 4080 Water Block for MSI Gaming Trio GPUs & MSI Suprim GPUs
Предназначен за | Видео карти |
Х-ка 2 | Specifically designed for MSI GAMING TRIO & SUPRIM 4080 graphics cards, the Pacific V-RTX 4080 Plus (MSI GAMING TRIO & SUPRIM) GPU Water Block allows you to add your graphics card into your custom loop. |
Х-ка 3 | Interface: USB 2.0 connectors (9 Pin) |
Х-ка 4 | Power input: 2.5 W |
Х-ка 5 | Pacific V-RTX 4080 GPU water block covers all the GPU’s heat sources, ensuring stable and reliable cooling performance even during overclocking. |
Х-ка 6 | Pacific V-RTX 4090/4080 Plus series (MSI GAMING TRIO & SUPRIM) has a copper base with a mirror-finished anti-corrosive nickel plating and an aluminum backplate. |
Х-ка 7 | It features 12 addressable LEDs with 16.8 million RGB colors, allowing the reflection of the liquid in the water block to distribute spectacular RGB lighting effects. |