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№ N1071510
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Tefal N1071510 Mseal&Go Smoothie Mg Green Tef1
TypeSmoothie cup
CompatiblePerfect solution to enjoy a healthy and delicious smoothie on the go.
Capacity, l0.45l
Dimensions (W, D, H), cm9.1 x 9.1 x 15.2 cm
Weight, g180 g

Tefal N1071510 Mseal&Go Smoothie Mg G...

№ N1071510
Tefal N1071510 Mseal&Go Smoothie Mg Green Tef1
№ N2160110
Tefal N2160110, COMPACT MUG 0.3L BLACK
TypeThermo Mug
CompatibleFor hot and cold drinks; Conservation thermal: 3h warm, 6h cold
MaterialStainless steel
Capacity, l0.3l
Dimensions (W, D, H), cm7.2 x 7.2 x 15 cm
Weight, g266 g
OtherWith double-walled stainless-steel liner; Opens with the press of a button; 360° drinking from all sides; 100% leak-proof; Dishwasher safe; Closure can be taken apart for easy cleaning

Tefal N2160110, COMPACT MUG 0.3L BLA...

№ N2160110
Tefal N2160110, COMPACT MUG 0.3L  BLACK
№ N2160210
Tefal N2160210, COMPACT MUG 0.3L BLUE
TypeThermo Mug
CompatibleFor hot and cold drinks; Conservation thermal: 3h warm, 6h cold
MaterialStainless steel
Capacity, l0.3l
Dimensions (W, D, H), cm7.2 x 7.2 x 15 cm
Weight, g266 g
OtherWith double-walled stainless-steel liner; Opens with the press of a button; 360° drinking from all sides; 100% leak-proof; Dishwasher safe; Closure can be taken apart for easy cleaning

Tefal N2160210, COMPACT MUG 0.3L BLU...

№ N2160210
Tefal N2160210, COMPACT MUG 0.3L  BLUE
№ N2160310
Tefal N2160310, COMPACT MUG 0.3L GREEN
TypeThermo Mug
CompatibleFor hot and cold drinks; Conservation thermal: 3h warm, 6h cold
MaterialStainless steel
Capacity, l0.3l
Dimensions (W, D, H), cm7.2 x 7.2 x 15 cm
Weight, g266 g
OtherWith double-walled stainless-steel liner; Opens with the press of a button; 360° drinking from all sides; 100% leak-proof; Dishwasher safe; Closure can be taken apart for easy cleaning

Tefal N2160310, COMPACT MUG 0.3L GRE...

№ N2160310
Tefal N2160310, COMPACT MUG 0.3L  GREEN
№ N2011610
Tefal N2011610 Tr. Mug Easy Tw. 0.36L Red Tef
TypeThermo Mug
CompatibleFor hot and cold drinks; Conservation thermal: 4h warm, 8h cold
MaterialStainless steel
Capacity, l0.36l
Dimensions (W, D, H), cm7.5 x 7.5 x 20.3 cm
Weight, g408 g
OtherWith double-walled stainless-steel liner; Opens with the press of a button; 360° drinking from all sides; 100% leak-proof; Dishwasher safe; Closure can be taken apart for easy cleaning

Tefal N2011610 Tr. Mug Easy Tw. 0.36L...

№ N2011610
Tefal N2011610 Tr. Mug Easy Tw. 0.36L Red Tef
№ N2011810
Tefal N2011810 Tr. Mug Easy Tw. 0.36L Blue Tef
TypeThermo Mug
CompatibleFor hot and cold drinks; Conservation thermal: 4h warm, 8h cold
MaterialStainless steel
Capacity, l0.36l
Dimensions (W, D, H), cm7.5 x 7.5 x 20.3 cm
Weight, g408 g
OtherWith double-walled stainless-steel liner; Opens with the press of a button; 360° drinking from all sides; 100% leak-proof; Dishwasher safe; Closure can be taken apart for easy cleaning

Tefal N2011810 Tr. Mug Easy Tw. 0.36L...

№ N2011810
Tefal N2011810 Tr. Mug Easy Tw. 0.36L Blue Tef