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№ 25M5
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-25KTL-M5 (25 kW)* Commercial Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.4% max. efficiency
Power, W37 500 Wp Recommended max. PV power
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, Rated input voltage: 600 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Number of MPP trackers: 2, Max. number of inputs: 4
Output power, W25 000 W Rated output power
Output power, VA27 500 VA Max. apparent power
Output Voltage, VRated output voltage: 220 Vac / 380 Vac, 230 Vac / 400 Vac, 239.6 Vac / 415 Vac, 3W + N + PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 42.0A/380Vac, 39.9A/400Vac, 38.5A/415Vac
ProtectionsIP66, Input-side disconnection device, Anti-islanding protection, AC over-current protection, DC reverse-polarity protection, String fault detection, DC/AC surge protection (TYPE II/CLASS II), Residual current monitoring unit, Arc fault protection
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeSmart air cooling
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, WLAN/Ethernet via Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE (Optional), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle-4G (Optional)
SecurityEN/IEC 62109-1, EN/IEC 62109-2
StandardsG99, EN 50549, CEI 0-21, CEI 0-16, VDE-AR-N-4105, VDE-AR-N-4110, C10/11, ABNT, VFR 2019, UNE 217001, UNE 217002, RD 244, TOR D4, IEC61727, IEC62116
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm546 x 460 x 228 mm
Weight, kg21 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-25KTL-M5 (25 ...

№ 25M5
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-25KTL-M5 (25 kW)* Commercial Three Phase
№ MID_33KTL3-X
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MID 33KTL3-X (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.8% max. efficiency, 98.5% European efficiency
Power, W49 500 W
Input voltage, V600 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 250 V; MPPT voltage range: 200-1000V
Output power, W33 000 W
Output power, VA36 600 VA
Output Voltage, V220V/380V, 230V/400V (340-440V)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45-55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A55.5 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC Switch, AC/DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault/Grid monitoring, Anti-islanding protection, Residual-current monitoring unit, String monitoring
Cooling typeSmart air cooling
Operating Temperature-25 °C - +60 °C
Humidity range0 - 100%
InterfaceRS485, USB; Optional: WiFi, GPRS, RF, LAN
StandardsCE, VDE0126, Greece, EN50549, C10/C11, UTE C 15-712, IEC62116, IEC61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683, CEI0-21, CEI0-16, N4105, TOR Erzeuger, G98/G99, G100, AS/NZS 3100, AS4777, UNE217001, UNE206007, PO12.2, KSC8565
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm580 x 435 x 230 mm
Weight, kg29.5 kg

Growatt MID 33KTL3-X (with AFCI, type...

№ MID_33KTL3-X
Growatt MID 33KTL3-X (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MID 30KTL3-XH (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.80% max. efficiency, 98.5% European efficiency
Power, W60 000 W
Input voltage, V600 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 200 V; MPPT voltage range: 160V-1000V
BatteryAPX HV Battery System (5kWh~60kWh)
Output power, W30 000 W
Output power, VA30 000 VA
Output Voltage, V220V/380V, 230V/400V (340-440V)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45-55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A45.5 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC Switch, AC/DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault/Grid monitoring, Anti-islanding protection, Residual-current monitoring unit, String fault monitoring
Cooling typeSmart air cooling
Operating Temperature–25°C - +60°C
Humidity range0~100%
InterfaceUSB, RS485; Optional: WiFi, GPRS, LAN, RF
StandardsCE, VDE0126, Greece, EN50549-1, C10/C11, VFR 2019, IEC62116, IEC61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683, CEI0-21, N4105, TOR Erzeuger G98/G99, G100, AS4777, UNE217001, UNE206007, PO12.2
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm580 x 435 x 230 mm
Weight, kg31 kg

Growatt MID 30KTL3-XH (with AFCI, typ...

Growatt MID 30KTL3-XH (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
№ MID_36KTL3-X
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MID 36KTL3-X (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.8% max. efficiency, 98.5% European efficiency
Power, W54 000 W
Input voltage, V600 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 250 V; MPPT voltage range: 200-1000V
Output power, W36 000 W
Output power, VA39 600 VA
Output Voltage, V220V/380V, 230V/400V (340-440V)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45-55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A60.0 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC Switch, AC/DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault/Grid monitoring, Anti-islanding protection, Residual-current monitoring unit, String monitoring
Cooling typeSmart air cooling
Operating Temperature-25 °C - +60 °C
Humidity range0 - 100%
InterfaceRS485, USB; Optional: WiFi, GPRS, RF, LAN
StandardsCE, VDE0126, Greece, EN50549, C10/C11, UTE C 15-712, IEC62116, IEC61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683, CEI0-21, CEI0-16, N4105, TOR Erzeuger, G98/G99, G100, AS/NZS 3100, AS4777, UNE217001, UNE206007, PO12.2, KSC8565
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm580 x 435 x 230 mm
Weight, kg30.5 kg

Growatt MID 36KTL3-X (with AFCI, type...

№ MID_36KTL3-X
Growatt MID 36KTL3-X (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
№ 30KM3
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 (33 kW)* Commercial Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.7% max. efficiency
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, Rated input voltage: 600 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Number of Inputs: 8, Number of MPP Trackers: 4
Output power, W30 000 W Rated AC active power
Output power, VA33 000 VA Max. AC apparent power
Output Voltage, VRated output voltage: 230 Vac / 400 Vac / 480 Vac, 3W/N+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 47.9 A, Rated output current: 43.3 A
ProtectionsIP66, Input-side Disconnection Device, Anti-Islanding protection, AC overcurrent protection, DC Reverse-polarity Protection, DC/AC Surge Arrester, DC Insulation Resistance Detection, Arc fault protection, Ripple Receiver Control
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeNatural convection
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, Monitoring BUS (MBUS), WLAN/Ethernet via Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE (Optional), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle-4G (Optional)
SecurityEN 62109-1/-2, IEC 62109-1/-2, EN 50530, IEC 62116, IEC 60068, IEC 61683
StandardsIEC 61727, VDE-AR-N4105, VDE 0126-1-1, BDEW, G59/3, UTE C 15-712-1, CEI 0-16, CEI 0-21, RD 661, RD 1699, P.O. 12.3, RD 413, EN-50438-Turkey, EN-50438-Ireland, C10/11, MEA, Resolution No.7, NRS 097-2-1, AS/NZS 4777.2, DEWA
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm640 x 530 x 270 mm
Weight, kg43 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 (33 ...

№ 30KM3
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-30KTL-M3 (33 kW)* Commercial Three Phase
№ 15KMB0
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-15K-MB0 Hybrid Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.4% max. efficiency, 98.0% European efficiency
Power, W22 500 Wp Recommended max. PV power
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Start-up voltage: 200 V, Max. number of inputs: 4, Number of MPP Trackers: 2
Output power, W15 000 W Rated output power, 16 500 W Max. Active Power (cosf=1)
Output power, VA16 500 VA Max. apparent power
Output Voltage, VRated output voltage: 220 Vac / 380 Vac, 230 Vac / 400 Vac, 240 Vac / 415 Vac; 3W/N+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 25.2 A / 380 Vac, 23.9 A / 400 Vac, 23.1 A / 415 Vac
ProtectionsOvervoltage category (PV II/AC III), Input-side disconnection device, Anti-islanding/AC over-current/DC reverse-polarity protection, DC/AC surge protection, DC insulation resistance detection, Residual current monitoring unit, Arc fault protection
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeSmart Air Cooling
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, WLAN/Ethernet via Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE (Optional), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle – 4G (Optional), EMMA (Optional)
SecurityEN/IEC62109-1, EN/IEC62109-2
StandardsIEC61727, IEC62116, IEC61683, EN50530, ABNT NBR 16149/16150, MEA/PEA, G99, NRS 097-2-1, EN50549-1, VDE4105, UTE15-712-1/VFR 2019, UNE217002, NTS631, RD244 (UNE217001), PPDS, ROGA, TOR Erzeuger, CEI 0-21:2020-12 V1, C10/C11
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm546 x 460 x 228 mm
Weight, kg21 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-15K-MB0 Hybri...

№ 15KMB0
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-15K-MB0 Hybrid Three Phase
№ 17KMB0
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-17K-MB0 Hybrid Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.4% max. efficiency, 98.1% European efficiency
Power, W25 500 Wp Recommended max. PV power
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Start-up voltage: 200 V, Max. number of inputs: 4, Number of MPP Trackers: 2
Output power, W17 000 W Rated output power, 18 700 W Max. Active Power (cosf=1)
Output power, VA18 700 VA Max. apparent power
Output Voltage, VRated output voltage: 220 Vac / 380 Vac, 230 Vac / 400 Vac, 240 Vac / 415 Vac; 3W/N+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 28.6 A / 380 Vac, 27.1 A / 400 Vac, 26.1 A / 415 Vac
ProtectionsOvervoltage category (PV II/AC III), Input-side disconnection device, Anti-islanding/AC over-current/DC reverse-polarity protection, DC/AC surge protection, DC insulation resistance detection, Residual current monitoring unit, Arc fault protection
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeSmart Air Cooling
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, WLAN/Ethernet via Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE (Optional), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle – 4G (Optional), EMMA (Optional)
SecurityEN/IEC62109-1, EN/IEC62109-2
StandardsIEC61727, IEC62116, IEC61683, EN50530, ABNT NBR 16149/16150, MEA/PEA, G99, NRS 097-2-1, EN50549-1, VDE4105, UTE15-712-1/VFR 2019, UNE217002, NTS631, RD244 (UNE217001), PPDS, ROGA, TOR Erzeuger, CEI 0-21:2020-12 V1, C10/C11
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm546 x 460 x 228 mm
Weight, kg21 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-17K-MB0 Hybri...

№ 17KMB0
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-17K-MB0 Hybrid Three Phase
№ 50KM3
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-50KTL-M3 (50 kW) Commercial Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.5% max. efficiency
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, Rated input voltage: 600 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Number of Inputs: 8, Number of MPP Trackers: 4
Output power, W50 000 W Rated AC Active Power, 55 000 W Max. AC Active Power (cosf=1)
Output power, VA55 000 VA Max. AC apparent power
Output Voltage, VRated output voltage: 400 Vac/ 480 Vac, 3W+(N) + PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, ARated Output Current: 72.2 A @ 400 Vac, 60.1 A @ 480 Vac; Max. Output Current: 79.8 A @ 400 Vac, 66.5 A @ 480 Vac
ProtectionsIP66,Input-side Disconnection Device, Anti-islanding Protection, AC Overcurrent Protection, DC Reverse-polarity Protection, PV-array String Fault Monitoring, DC/AC Surge Arrester Type II, DC Insulation Resistance Detection, Residual Current MonitoringUnit
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeSmart Air Cooling
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, Bluetooth, Monitoring BUS (MBUS), WLAN/Ethernet via Smart Dongle - WLAN-FE (Optional), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle-4G (Optional)
SecurityEN 62109-1/-2, IEC 62109-1/-2, EN 50530, IEC 62116, IEC 60068, IEC 61683
StandardsIEC 61727, VDE-AR-N4105, VDE 0126-1-1, BDEW, G59/3, UTE C 15-712-1, CEI 0-16, CEI 0-21, RD 661, RD 1699, P.O. 12.3, RD 413, EN-50438-Turkey, EN-50438-Ireland, C10/11, MEA, Resolution No.7, NRS 097-2-1, DEWA
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm640 x 530 x 270 mm
Weight, kg49 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-50KTL-M3 (50 ...

№ 50KM3
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-50KTL-M3 (50 kW) Commercial Three Phase
№ 20KMB0
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-20K-MB0 Hybrid Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.4% max. efficiency, 98.1% European efficiency
Power, W30 000 Wp Recommended max. PV power
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Start-up voltage: 200 V, Max. number of inputs: 4, Number of MPP Trackers: 2
Output power, W20 000 W Rated output power, 22 000 W Max. Active Power (cosf=1)
Output power, VA22 000 VA Max. apparent power
Output Voltage, VRated output voltage: 220 Vac / 380 Vac, 230 Vac / 400 Vac, 240 Vac / 415 Vac; 3W/N+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 33.6 A / 380 Vac, 31.9 A / 400 Vac, 30.8 A / 415 Vac
ProtectionsOvervoltage category (PV II/AC III), Input-side disconnection device, Anti-islanding/AC over-current/DC reverse-polarity protection, DC/AC surge protection, DC insulation resistance detection, Residual current monitoring unit, Arc fault protection
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeSmart Air Cooling
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, WLAN/Ethernet via Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE (Optional), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle – 4G (Optional), EMMA (Optional)
SecurityEN/IEC62109-1, EN/IEC62109-2
StandardsIEC61727, IEC62116, IEC61683, EN50530, ABNT NBR 16149/16150, MEA/PEA, G99, NRS 097-2-1, EN50549-1, VDE4105, UTE15-712-1/VFR 2019, UNE217002, NTS631, RD244 (UNE217001), PPDS, ROGA, TOR Erzeuger, CEI 0-21:2020-12 V1, C10/C11
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm546 x 460 x 228 mm
Weight, kg21 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-20K-MB0 Hybri...

№ 20KMB0
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-20K-MB0 Hybrid Three Phase
№ MAX_50KTL3
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MAX 50KTL3 LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.8% max. efficiency, 98.4% European efficiency
Power, W75 000 W
Input voltage, V585 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 250 V; MPPT voltage range: 200-1000V
Output power, W50 000 W
Output power, VA55 500 VA
Output Voltage, V220V/380V, 230V/400V (340-440V)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45-55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A80.5 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC Switch, DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault/Grid monitoring, Anti-islanding protection, Residual-current monitoring unit, String monitoring
IndicatorsLED display
Cooling typeSmart air cooling
Operating Temperature–25°C - +60°C
Humidity range0 - 100%
InterfaceRS485, USB; Optional: WiFi, RF, GPRS
StandardsCE, VDE0126, Greece, EN50438, EN50549-1, C10/C11, UTE C 15-712, IEC62116, IEC61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683, CEI0-21, CEI 0-16, N4105, DRRG, G98/G99, G100, NRS 097-2-1, MEA, PEA, KSC8565
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm860 x 600 x 300 mm
Weight, kg82 kg

Growatt MAX 50KTL3 LV (with AFCI, typ...

№ MAX_50KTL3
Growatt MAX 50KTL3 LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
№ 25KMB0
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-25K-MB0 Hybrid Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.4% max. efficiency, 98.2% European efficiency
Power, W37 500 Wp Recommended max. PV power
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Start-up voltage: 200 V, Max. number of inputs: 4, Number of MPP Trackers: 2
Output power, W25 000 W Rated output power, 27 500 W Max. Active Power (cosf=1)
Output power, VA27 500 VA Max. apparent power
Output Voltage, VRated output voltage: 220 Vac / 380 Vac, 230 Vac / 400 Vac, 240 Vac / 415 Vac; 3W/N+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 42.0 A / 380 Vac, 39.9 A / 400 Vac, 38.5 A / 415 Vac
ProtectionsOvervoltage category (PV II/AC III), Input-side disconnection device, Anti-islanding/AC over-current/DC reverse-polarity protection, DC/AC surge protection, DC insulation resistance detection, Residual current monitoring unit, Arc fault protection
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeSmart Air Cooling
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, WLAN/Ethernet via Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE (Optional), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle – 4G (Optional), EMMA (Optional)
SecurityEN/IEC62109-1, EN/IEC62109-2
StandardsIEC61727, IEC62116, IEC61683, EN50530, ABNT NBR 16149/16150, MEA/PEA, G99, NRS 097-2-1, EN50549-1, VDE4105, UTE15-712-1/VFR 2019, UNE217002, NTS631, RD244 (UNE217001), PPDS, ROGA, TOR Erzeuger, CEI 0-21:2020-12 V1, C10/C11
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm546 x 460 x 228 mm
Weight, kg21 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-25K-MB0 Hybri...

№ 25KMB0
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-25K-MB0 Hybrid Three Phase
№ 36KM3
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-36KTL-M3 (40 kW)* Commercial Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.7% max. efficiency
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, Rated input voltage: 600 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Number of Inputs: 8, Number of MPP Trackers: 4
Output power, W36 000 W Rated AC active power
Output power, VA40 000 VA Max. AC apparent power
Output Voltage, VRated output voltage: 230 Vac / 400 Vac / 480 Vac, 3W/N+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 58.0 A, Rated output current: 52.0 A
ProtectionsIP66, Input-side Disconnection Device, Anti-Islanding protection, AC overcurrent protection, DC Reverse-polarity Protection, DC/AC Surge Arrester, DC Insulation Resistance Detection, Arc fault protection, Ripple Receiver Control
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeNatural convection
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, Monitoring BUS (MBUS), WLAN/Ethernet via Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE (Optional), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle-4G (Optional)
SecurityEN 62109-1/-2, IEC 62109-1/-2, EN 50530, IEC 62116, IEC 60068, IEC 61683
StandardsIEC 61727, VDE-AR-N4105, VDE 0126-1-1, BDEW, G59/3, UTE C 15-712-1, CEI 0-16, CEI 0-21, RD 661, RD 1699, P.O. 12.3, RD 413, EN-50438-Turkey, EN-50438-Ireland, C10/11, MEA, Resolution No.7, NRS 097-2-1, AS/NZS 4777.2, DEWA
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm640 x 530 x 270 mm
Weight, kg43 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-36KTL-M3 (40 ...

№ 36KM3
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-36KTL-M3 (40 kW)* Commercial Three Phase
№ 40KM3
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-40KTL-M3 (44 kW)* Commercial Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.7% max. efficiency
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, Rated input voltage: 600 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Number of Inputs: 8, Number of MPP Trackers: 4
Output power, W40 000 W Rated AC active power
Output power, VA44 000 VA Max. AC apparent power
Output Voltage, VRated output voltage: 230 Vac / 400 Vac / 480 Vac, 3W/N+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 63.8 A, Rated output current: 57.8 A
ProtectionsIP66, Input-side Disconnection Device, Anti-Islanding protection, AC overcurrent protection, DC Reverse-polarity Protection, DC/AC Surge Arrester, DC Insulation Resistance Detection, Arc fault protection, Ripple Receiver Control
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeNatural convection
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, Monitoring BUS (MBUS), WLAN/Ethernet via Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE (Optional), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle-4G (Optional)
SecurityEN 62109-1/-2, IEC 62109-1/-2, EN 50530, IEC 62116, IEC 60068, IEC 61683
StandardsIEC 61727, VDE-AR-N4105, VDE 0126-1-1, BDEW, G59/3, UTE C 15-712-1, CEI 0-16, CEI 0-21, RD 661, RD 1699, P.O. 12.3, RD 413, EN-50438-Turkey, EN-50438-Ireland, C10/11, MEA, Resolution No.7, NRS 097-2-1, AS/NZS 4777.2, DEWA
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm640 x 530 x 270 mm
Weight, kg43 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-40KTL-M3 (44 ...

№ 40KM3
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-40KTL-M3 (44 kW)* Commercial Three Phase
№ MAX120KTL3-X
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MAX120KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.8% max. efficiency, 98.5% European efficiency
Input voltage, V600 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 195 V; MPP voltage range: 180V-1000V
Output power, W120 000 W
Output power, VA132 000 VA
Output Voltage, V230V/400V (340-440VAC)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45~55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A190.5 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC switch, AC/DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault monitoring, String detection
IndicatorsLED display
Cooling typeSmart Cooling
Operating Temperature–30°C - +60°C
Humidity range0 - 100%
InterfaceRS485, USB; Optional: PLC, GPRS, 4G, WiFi
StandardsCE, IEC62116, IEC61727, CQC, VDE0126, VFR2019, EN50549-1/2, C10/C11, UNE206007, G99 CEI 0-21/0-16, N4105&N4110, UNE206006, MEA, PEA, KSC8565
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm970 x 640 x 345 mm
Weight, kg84 kg

Growatt MAX120KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, t...

№ MAX120KTL3-X
Growatt MAX120KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
№ MAX_60KTL3
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MAX 60KTL3 LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.8% max. efficiency, 98.4% European efficiency
Power, W90 000 W
Input voltage, V585 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 250 V; MPPT voltage range: 200-1000V
Output power, W60 000 W
Output power, VA66 600 VA
Output Voltage, V220V/380V, 230V/400V (340-440V)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45-55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A96.6 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC Switch, DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault/Grid monitoring, Anti-islanding protection, Residual-current monitoring unit, String monitoring
IndicatorsLED display
Cooling typeSmart air cooling
Operating Temperature–25°C - +60°C
Humidity range0 - 100%
InterfaceRS485, USB; Optional: WiFi, RF, GPRS
StandardsCE, VDE0126, Greece, EN50438, EN50549-1, C10/C11, UTE C 15-712, IEC62116, IEC61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683, CEI0-21, CEI 0-16, N4105, DRRG, G98/G99, G100, NRS 097-2-1, MEA, PEA, KSC8565
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm860 x 600 x 300 mm
Weight, kg82 kg

Growatt MAX 60KTL3 LV (with AFCI, typ...

№ MAX_60KTL3
Growatt MAX 60KTL3 LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
№ MAX_70KTL3
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MAX 70KTL3 LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency99% max. efficiency, 98.5% European efficiency
Power, W105 000 W
Input voltage, V600 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 250 V; MPPT voltage range: 200-1000V
Output power, W70 000 W
Output power, VA77 700 VA
Output Voltage, V220V/380V, 230V/400V (340-440V)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45-55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A112.7 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC Switch, DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault/Grid monitoring, Anti-islanding protection, Residual-current monitoring unit, String monitoring
IndicatorsLED display
Cooling typeSmart air cooling
Operating Temperature–25°C - +60°C
Humidity range0 - 100%
InterfaceRS485, USB; Optional: WiFi, RF, GPRS
StandardsCE, VDE0126, Greece, EN50438, EN50549-1, C10/C11, UTE C 15-712, IEC62116, IEC61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683, CEI0-21, CEI 0-16, N4105, DRRG, G98/G99, G100, NRS 097-2-1, MEA, PEA, KSC8565
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm860 x 600 x 300 mm
Weight, kg86 kg

Growatt MAX 70KTL3 LV (with AFCI, typ...

№ MAX_70KTL3
Growatt MAX 70KTL3 LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
№ MAX_80KTL3
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MAX 80KTL3 LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency99% max. efficiency, 98.5% European efficiency
Power, W120 000 W
Input voltage, V600 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 250 V; MPPT voltage range: 200-1000V
Output power, W80 000 W
Output power, VA88 800 VA
Output Voltage, V220V/380V, 230V/400V (340-440V)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45-55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A128.8 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC Switch, DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault/Grid monitoring, Anti-islanding protection, Residual-current monitoring unit, String monitoring
IndicatorsLED display
Cooling typeSmart air cooling
Operating Temperature–25°C - +60°C
Humidity range0 - 100%
InterfaceRS485, USB; Optional: WiFi, RF, GPRS
StandardsCE, VDE0126, Greece, EN50438, EN50549-1, C10/C11, UTE C 15-712, IEC62116, IEC61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683, CEI0-21, CEI 0-16, N4105, DRRG, G98/G99, G100, NRS 097-2-1, MEA, PEA, KSC8565
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm860 x 600 x 300 mm
Weight, kg86 kg

Growatt MAX 80KTL3 LV (with AFCI, typ...

№ MAX_80KTL3
Growatt MAX 80KTL3 LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
№ MAX100KTL3-X
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MAX100KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.8% max. efficiency, 98.4% European efficiency
Input voltage, V600 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 195 V; MPP voltage range: 180V-1000V
Output power, W100 000 W
Output power, VA110 000 VA
Output Voltage, V230V/400V (340-440VAC)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45~55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A158.8 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC switch, AC/DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault monitoring, String detection
IndicatorsLED display
Cooling typeSmart Cooling
Operating Temperature–30°C - +60°C
Humidity range0 - 100%
InterfaceRS485, USB; Optional: PLC, GPRS, 4G, WiFi
StandardsCE, IEC62116, IEC61727, CQC, VDE0126, VFR2019, EN50549-1/2, C10/C11, UNE206007, G99 CEI 0-21/0-16, N4105&N4110, UNE206006, MEA, PEA, KSC8565
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm970 x 640 x 345 mm
Weight, kg84 kg

Growatt MAX100KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, t...

№ MAX100KTL3-X
Growatt MAX100KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
№ MAX110KTL3-X
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MAX110KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.8% max. efficiency, 98.5% European efficiency
Input voltage, V600 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 195 V; MPP voltage range: 180V-1000V
Output power, W110 000 W
Output power, VA121 000 VA
Output Voltage, V230V/400V (340-440VAC)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45~55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A174.6 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC switch, AC/DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault monitoring, String detection
IndicatorsLED display
Cooling typeSmart Cooling
Operating Temperature–30°C - +60°C
Humidity range0 - 100%
InterfaceRS485, USB; Optional: PLC, GPRS, 4G, WiFi
StandardsCE, IEC62116, IEC61727, CQC, VDE0126, VFR2019, EN50549-1/2, C10/C11, UNE206007, G99 CEI 0-21/0-16, N4105&N4110, UNE206006, MEA, PEA, KSC8565
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm970 x 640 x 345 mm
Weight, kg84 kg

Growatt MAX110KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, t...

№ MAX110KTL3-X
Growatt MAX110KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
№ 100KM2-AFCI
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-100KTL-M2 (AFCI) (100 kW) Commercial Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
EfficiencyMax. efficiency 98.8% @480 V, 98.6% @400 V
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Nominal Input Voltage: 720 V @480 Vac, 600 V @400 Vac, Max. input number per MPP tracker: 2, Number of MPP Trackers: 10
Output power, W100 000 W Nominal AC active power, 110 000 W Max. AC Active Power (cosf=1)
Output power, VA110 000 VA Max. AC apparent power
Output Voltage, VNominal output voltage: 480 V/ 400 V, 3W+(N)+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 133.7 A @480 V, 160.4 A @400 V, Nominal output current: 120.3 A @480 V, 144.4 A @400 V
ProtectionsIP66, Input-side Disconnection Device, Anti-islanding Protection, AC Overcurrent Protect., DC Reverse-polarity Protection, PV-array String Fault Monitoring, DC/AC Surge Arrester Type II, DC Insulation Resistance Detection, Residual Current Monitoring Unit
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeSmart Air Cooling
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, USB, Monitoring BUS (MBUS), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle – 4G (Optional)
SecurityEN 62109-1/-2, IEC 62109-1/-2, EN 50530, IEC 62116, IEC 61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683
StandardsGrid Connection Standards: VDE-AR-N4105, EN 50549-1, EN 50549-2, RD 661, RD 1699, C10/11
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm1035 x 700 x 365 mm
Weight, kg93 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-100KTL-M2 (AF...

№ 100KM2-AFCI
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-100KTL-M2 (AFCI) (100 kW) Commercial Three Phase
№ 100KM1
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-100KTL-M1 (100 kW) Commercial Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
EfficiencyMax. efficiency 98.8% @480 V, 98.6% @380 V / 400 V
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Nominal Input Voltage: 720 V @480 Vac, 600 V @400 Vac, 570 V @380 Vac, Max. input number per MPP tracker: 2, Number of MPP Trackers: 10
Output power, W100 000 W Nominal AC active power, 110 000 W Max. AC Active Power (cosf=1)
Output power, VA110 000 VA Max. AC apparent power
Output Voltage, VNominal output voltage: 480 V/ 400 V/ 380 V, 3W+(N)+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 133.7 A @480 V, 160.4 A @400 V, 168.8 A @380 V, Nominal output current: 120.3 A @480 V, 144.4 A @400 V, 152.0 A @380 V
ProtectionsIP66, Input-side Disconnection Device, Anti-islanding Protection, AC Overcurrent Protect., DC Reverse-polarity Protection, PV-array String Fault Monitoring, DC/AC Surge Arrester Type II, DC Insulation Resistance Detection, Residual Current Monitoring Unit
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeSmart Air Cooling
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, USB, Monitoring BUS (MBUS), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle – 4G (Optional)
SecurityEN 62109-1/-2, IEC 62109-1/-2, EN 50530, IEC 62116, IEC 61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683
StandardsGrid Connection Standards: VDE-AR-N4105, EN 50549-1, EN 50549-2, RD 661, RD 1699, C10/11
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm1035 x 700 x 365 mm
Weight, kg90 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-100KTL-M1 (10...

№ 100KM1
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-100KTL-M1 (100 kW) Commercial Three Phase
№ MAX125KTL3-X
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Growatt MAX125KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
Connection, typeThree phase
Efficiency98.8% max. efficiency, 98.5% European efficiency
Input voltage, V600 V (nominal); Max. DC voltage: 1100 V; Start voltage: 195 V; MPP voltage range: 180V-1000V
Output power, W125 000 W
Output power, VA137 500 VA
Output Voltage, V230V/400V (340-440VAC)
Frequency, Hz50/60 Hz (45~55Hz/55-65 Hz)
Output current, A198.5 A
ProtectionsDC reverse polarity protection, DC switch, AC/DC surge protection (Type II), Insulation resistance monitoring, AC short-circuit protection, Ground fault monitoring, String detection
IndicatorsLED display
Cooling typeSmart Cooling
Operating Temperature–30°C - +60°C
Humidity range0 - 100%
InterfaceRS485, USB; Optional: PLC, GPRS, 4G, WiFi
StandardsCE, IEC62116, IEC61727, CQC, VDE0126, VFR2019, EN50549-1/2, C10/C11, UNE206007, G99 CEI 0-21/0-16, N4105&N4110, UNE206006, MEA, PEA, KSC8565
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm970 x 640 x 345 mm
Weight, kg84 kg

Growatt MAX125KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, t...

№ MAX125KTL3-X
Growatt MAX125KTL3-X LV (with AFCI, type II SPD) Three Phase On Grid Inverter
№ 115KM2
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-115KTL-M2 (115 kW) Commercial Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
EfficiencyMax. efficiency 98.8% @480 V, 98.6% @400 V
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Nominal Input Voltage: 720 V @480 Vac, 600 V @400 Vac, Max. input number per MPP tracker: 2, Number of MPP Trackers: 10
Output power, W115 000 W Nominal AC active power, 125 000 W Max. AC Active Power (cosf=1)
Output power, VA125 000 VA Max. AC apparent power
Output Voltage, VNominal output voltage: 480 V/ 400 V, 3W+(N)+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 151.9 A @480 V, 182.3 A @400 V, Nominal output current: 138.4 A @480 V, 166.0 A @400 V
ProtectionsIP66, Input-side Disconnection Device, Anti-islanding Protection, AC Overcurrent Protect., DC Reverse-polarity Protection, PV-array String Fault Monitoring, DC/AC Surge Arrester Type II, DC Insulation Resistance Detection, Residual Current Monitoring Unit
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeSmart Air Cooling
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, USB, Monitoring BUS (MBUS), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle – 4G (Optional)
SecurityEN 62109-1/-2, IEC 62109-1/-2, EN 50530, IEC 62116, IEC 61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683
StandardsGrid Connection Standards: VDE-AR-N4105, EN 50549-1, EN 50549-2, RD 661, RD 1699, C10/11
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm1035 x 700 x 365 mm
Weight, kg93 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-115KTL-M2 (11...

№ 115KM2
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-115KTL-M2 (115 kW) Commercial Three Phase
№ 115KTL-M2
Инвертор за фотоволтаичен панел
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-115KTL-M2 (115 kW) Commercial Three Phase
Connection, typeThree phase
EfficiencyMax. efficiency 98.8% @480 V, 98.6% @400 V
Input voltage, VMax. input voltage: 1100 V, MPPT Operating voltage range: 200 V ~ 1000 V, Nominal Input Voltage: 720 V @480 Vac, 600 V @400 Vac, Max. input number per MPP tracker: 2, Number of MPP Trackers: 10
Output power, W115 000 W Nominal AC active power, 125 000 W Max. AC Active Power (cosf=1)
Output power, VA125 000 VA Max. AC apparent power
Output Voltage, VNominal output voltage: 480 V/ 400 V, 3W+(N)+PE
Frequency, HzRated AC grid frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Output current, AMax. output current: 151.9 A @480 V, 182.3 A @400 V, Nominal output current: 138.4 A @480 V, 166.0 A @400 V
ProtectionsIP66, Input-side Disconnection Device, Anti-islanding Protection, AC Overcurrent Protect., DC Reverse-polarity Protection, PV-array String Fault Monitoring, DC/AC Surge Arrester Type II, DC Insulation Resistance Detection, Residual Current Monitoring Unit
IndicatorsLED indicators
Cooling typeSmart Air Cooling
Operating Temperature-25 ~ 60 °C
Humidity range0% RH ~ 100% RH
InterfaceRS485, USB, Monitoring BUS (MBUS), 4G/3G/2G via Smart Dongle – 4G (Optional)
SecurityEN 62109-1/-2, IEC 62109-1/-2, EN 50530, IEC 62116, IEC 61727, IEC 60068, IEC 61683
StandardsGrid Connection Standards: VDE-AR-N4105, EN 50549-1, EN 50549-2, RD 661, RD 1699, C10/11
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm1035 x 700 x 365 mm
Weight, kg93 kg

Huawei Inverter SUN2000-115KTL-M2 (11...

№ 115KTL-M2
Huawei Inverter SUN2000-115KTL-M2 (115 kW) Commercial Three Phase