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№ ORG01-CC70-102
Кабелен клипс
Lanberg cable clips 7mm 100pcs, white
Compatible withОбща употреба
Features 2Lanberg's cable clips equipped with a nail, due to their special shape, can be used for fixing wires or individual conductors of round cables
Features 3These mounting accessories allow quick and easy fixing of cables and wires to surfaces like walls, joinery elements, furniture, etc.
Features 4To mount a cable or a conductor, all you need to do is to use the nail (made of hardened steel), which is embedded in the clip
Features 5Application - for conductors with max. thickness of about 7mm

Lanberg cable clips 7mm 100pcs, white

№ ORG01-CC70-102
Lanberg cable clips 7mm 100pcs, white
№ ORG01-ST100B
Термосвиваема кабелна връзка
Lanberg 100pcs heat-shrinkable tubing kit, black box
Compatible withОбща употреба
Features 2A set of 100 mm long heat shrinkable tubes. The whole is in a transparent package
Features 31.5mm - 30pcs; 2.5mm - 30pcs; 4mm - 20pcs; 6mm - 10pcs; 10mm - 6pcs; 13mm - 4pcs

Lanberg 100pcs heat-shrinkable tubing...

№ ORG01-ST100B
Lanberg 100pcs heat-shrinkable tubing kit, black box
№ ORG01-ST100MC
Термосвиваема кабелна връзка
Lanberg 100pcs heat-shrinkable tubing kit, multicolor box
Compatible withОбща употреба
Features 2A set of 100 mm long heat shrinkable tubes. The whole is in a transparent package
Features 31.5mm black - 30szt; 2.5mm yellow - 30szt; 4mm red - 20szt; 6mm green - 10szt; 10mm blue - 6szt; 13mm white - 4szt

Lanberg 100pcs heat-shrinkable tubing...

№ ORG01-ST100MC
Lanberg 100pcs heat-shrinkable tubing kit, multicolor box
№ ORG01-MT150-MC6
Кабелна връзка
Lanberg velcro cable ties 12mmx15cm 12pcs, white, black, green, blue, yellow, red
Compatible withОбща употреба
Features 2Velcro ties to keep cables well organized. Soft and flexible fabric.
Features 312pcs in the package: 12mm x 15cm
Features 4Material: Velcro

Lanberg velcro cable ties 12mmx15cm 1...

№ ORG01-MT150-MC6
Lanberg velcro cable ties 12mmx15cm 12pcs, white, black, green, blue, yellow, red
№ CC01-BCC-IT175
Кабелен накрайник
Lanberg 175pcs cable terminal kit toolbox
Compatible withКабели
Features 2A set of 175 pcs of cable connectors, various types. All in a transparent box. Suitable for 1.25 - 4mm cables

Lanberg 175pcs cable terminal kit too...

№ CC01-BCC-IT175
Lanberg 175pcs cable terminal kit toolbox