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№ 58404_BEU
Козметично огледало
Beurer BS 45 illuminated cosmetics mirror,LED light, Touch sensor, 5x magnification,dimmer function,storage tray
Тип | With stand |
LED светлина | Bright LED light |
Увеличение | 5x magnification |
Батерия | 3 x 1.5 V AA |
Размер | 17.5 cm mirror diameter |
Цвят | White |
Други | With practical storage tray; Touch sensor on the mirror surface |
Beurer BS 45 illuminated cosmetics mi...
№ 59110_BEU
Електрическа четка за коса
Beurer HS 60 Hair straightening brush, LED display, ion technology, ceramic coating, 120-200 °,safety switch-off, fast heat-up
Мощност, W | 45 W |
Покритие | Ceramic |
Йонизираща функция | Integrated ion function |
Настройки на температура | Variable temperature settings (120-200°C) |
Автоматично изключване | yes |
Цвят | Black/Pink |
Beurer HS 60 Hair straightening brush...
№ 59400_BEU
Beurer HS 50 Ocean Hair straightener, LED display, Ceramic keratin coating, Variable temperature control (120-220 °), Spring-mounted hot plates, Button lock, Operation status display, Automatic switch-off after 30 minutes, Transport lock
Максимална температура | 220 °C |
Температурен обхват | 120-220°C |
Степени на работа | Variable temperature settings |
Покритие на плочите | Keratine&Ceramic |
Дисплей | LED display for displaying the temperature setting |
Система за заключване | yes, transport lock |
Автоматично изключване | yes, automatic switch-off after 30 minutes |
Цвят | Ocean |
Beurer HS 50 Ocean Hair straightener,...
№ 10260_BEU
Машинка за подстригване
Beurer MN4X beard styler, 2 Attachments, slim titanium contour blade, Battery and mains operation, LED display, 10 cutting lengths, 2 comb attachments with length adjustment: 3-7 and 8-12 mm,Water-resistant
Приставка за брада | yes |
Материал на ножчетата | Self-sharpening stainless steel razor blade with titanium coating for maximum skin comfort |
Гребени | 2 comb attachments with 10 cutting lengths: 3-7 and 8-12 mm |
Дължина на подстригване, mm | 3-7 and 8-12 mm |
Работа на батерия | yes |
Време за зареждане | 1.5 h charging time |
Време за работа на батерия | 1.5 h operating time |
Работа под течаща вода | yes, device and head are washable |
LCD дисплей | LED display with battery status in % and charging indicator |
Степени на рязане | 2-level precision adjustment: 0.8 and 1.2 mm |
Цвят | Black |
Други | Incl. practical storage bag, oil and cleaning brush |
Beurer MN4X beard styler, 2 Attachmen...
№ 59420_BEU
Електрическа четка за коса
Beurer HC 45 Ocean 2-in-1 volumising hair dryer brush, ionic function, caremic coating, 1000W, 2 heat and blower settings incl. cold air function
Мощност, W | 1000 W |
Покритие | Keratin & ceramic coating |
Йонизираща функция | yes, Ion function for smooth and shiny hair |
Функция студен въздух | yes |
Въртене в две посоки | yes |
Настройки на температура | yes, 2 heat and blower settings incl. cold air function |
Настройки на скорост | yes |
Дължина на кабела, m | 360 °C swivel cable |
Цвят | Ocean |
Други | Oval shape creates volume right at the root; Special combination of bristles gently detangles the hair; Includes practical hanging eyelet |
Beurer HC 45 Ocean 2-in-1 volumising ...
Тип | Cellulite |
Употреба | On the whole body |
Регулируем интензитет | 2-level massage intensity |
Електроди | 0 |
Цвят | White/Silver |
Други | Ergonomically shaped; Removable massage rollers for easy cleaning; Promotes circulation in the skin layers; Noticeably firmer skin |
Beurer CM 50 Cellulite massage, flex ...
№ 59418_BEU
Beurer HC 35 Ocean Compact hair dryer, 2000 W, nozzle attachment, Ion function, LED display, 3 heat settings, 3 blower settings, cold air, overheating protection, Bag
Мощност, W | 2000 W |
Степени на температура | 3 heating and fan levels including cold air function |
Скорости | 3 blower settings |
Йонизираща функция | Integrated |
Функция студен въздух | yes |
Концентратор на въздух | yes |
Цвят | Ocean |
Други | Removable Safety Filter; Ergonomic folding handle; Soft Touch Surface; Includes styling nozzle and practical storage bag |
Beurer HC 35 Ocean Compact hair dryer...
№ 57211_BEU
Комплект за маникюр/педикюр
Beurer MP 41 Manicure/pedicure set, 7 attachments, 2 speed levels, LED light, storage case
Употреба | Manicure/Pedicure |
Степени на работа | 2 (3,800/4,600 rpm ±14%) |
Приставки | 7 (Attachments suitable for diabetics) |
Батерия | Mains operation |
LED светлина | yes |
Цвят | White/Silver |
Други | Case |
Beurer MP 41 Manicure/pedicure set, 7...
№ 59114_BEU
Beurer HC 50 Hair dryer, 2 200 W, triple ionic function, 2 attachments, 3 heat settings,2 blower settings, cold air, overheating protection
Мощност, W | 2200 W |
Степени на температура | 3 |
Скорости | 2 |
Йонизираща функция | Triple Ionic Function |
Функция студен въздух | yes |
Концентратор на въздух | yes |
Дифузер за обем | yes |
Цвят | Black/Pink |
Други | Protection function |
Beurer HC 50 Hair dryer, 2 200 W, tri...
№ 60503_BEU
Beurer FS 60 Facial Sauna and Steam Inhaler, 3-in-1: facial cleansing, aromatherapy and inhalation, 2 output levels, measuring cup
Вид | Facial Sauna and Steam Inhaler |
Настройки на скорост | 2 output levels |
Приставки | Facial sauna attachment for cosmetic facial care; Steam attachment for soothing inhalation; Scent container for aroma applications |
Функции | Intensive skin care, aromatherapy, inhalation; Continuously adjustable steam output |
Цвят | White & Pink |
Други | Incl. practical measuring jug |
Beurer FS 60 Facial Sauna and Steam I...
№ 58621_BEU
Beurer HC 55 Hair dryer,2 000 W, cable rewind function, ion function,3 heat settings, 2 blower settings, cold air, overheating protection
Мощност, W | 2200 W |
Степени на температура | 3 |
Скорости | 2 |
Йонизираща функция | yes |
Функция студен въздух | yes |
Концентратор на въздух | yes |
Дифузер за обем | yes |
Цвят | Black/Pink |
Beurer HC 55 Hair dryer,2 000 W, cabl...
№ 10080_BEU
Електрическа четка за зъби
Beurer TB 30 Electric toothbrush; 2 cleaning programs; 20days Battery life; 2-min timer; Oscillating, pulsating, brushing technology; Incl. charger, USB cable with adapter & CBH; white
Тип | Electric Toothbrush |
Технология | Oscillating and pulsating brushing technology for plaque removal |
Време за работа на батерия | Up to 20 days |
Степени на работа | 2 individual cleaning programs: Clean, Sensitive |
Батерия, тип | Lithium-Ion battery: 800 mAh, 3,7 V |
Таймер | yes, integrated 2-minute timer |
Цвят | White |
Други | LED charge display; Incl. inductive charger, USB charging cable with adapter and Clean brush head |
Beurer TB 30 Electric toothbrush; 2 c...
№ 65486_BEU
Козметично огледало
Beurer BS 55 Illuminated mirror, touch sensor, 18 LED light, 7 x zoom, 2 swivering mirrors, 13 cm
Тип | With stand |
LED светлина | Bright LED light with 18 LEDs |
Увеличение | 2 swivelling mirrors - normal/7x magnification |
Батерия | Battery-operated |
Размер | Mirror diameter: 13 cm |
Цвят | Silver |
Други | With touch sensor; Automatic switch-off |
Beurer BS 55 Illuminated mirror, touc...
№ 57400_BEU
Комплект за маникюр/педикюр
Beurer MP 42 Manicure / pedicure set; 7 attachments; adjustable speed; left/right rotation; LED light; storage case
Употреба | Manicure/Pedicure |
Степени на работа | Continuous |
Приставки | 7 |
Дисплей | Magic LED display - only appears during operation |
LED светлина | LED light |
Въртене в две посоки | yes |
Цвят | White/Silver |
Други | Case |
Beurer MP 42 Manicure / pedicure set;...
№ 59119_BEU
Електрическа четка за коса
Beurer HT 80 Rotating hot air brush, ionic function, caremic coating, 2 attachments-curling brush,heated brush, 2 heat settings
Мощност, W | 1000 W |
Покритие | Ceramic |
Йонизираща функция | yes |
Функция студен въздух | yes |
Настройки на температура | 2 |
Настройки на скорост | 2 |
Приставки | Heated brush and Curling brush |
Цвят | Black/Rose Gold |
Beurer HT 80 Rotating hot air brush, ...
№ 59100_BEU
Beurer HS 80 Hair straightener,triple ionic function, Magic LED display-only during operation, titanium coating, 120-200 °,memory function,safety switch-off, plate locking system,heat-resistant storage bag
Максимална температура | 200° C |
Температурен обхват | 120-200°C |
Степени на работа | Variable temperature settings |
Покритие на плочите | Titanium coating |
Йонизираща функция | Triple Ionic Function |
Дисплей | LED display |
Система за заключване | yes |
Автоматично изключване | yes |
Цвят | Black/Pink |
Beurer HS 80 Hair straightener,triple...
№ 59423_BEU
Beurer HT 65 Wave styler, 4 in 1: beach waves, natural waves, mermaid waves, water waves, Ceramic keratin coating, Individual temperature settings (160 - 210 °C), Digital display, Key lock, Automatic switch-off after 30 min.
Максимална температура | 210 °C |
Температурен обхват | 160- 210 °C |
Степени на работа | 2 |
Покритие на плочите | Ceramic keratin coating |
Дисплей | Digital display |
Система за заключване | yes |
Автоматично изключване | Automatic switch-off after 30 min. |
Цвят | Rose gold |
Други | 4-in-1 Styles: Beach Waves, natural waves, mermaid waves, finger waves; |
Beurer HT 65 Wave styler, 4 in 1: bea...
№ 58410_BEU
Козметично огледало
Beurer BS 59 Illuminated mirror,wall-mounted/standing , 8 LED light, 5 x zoom, 2 swivering mirrors, 11 cm
Тип | Wall-mount |
LED светлина | Bright LED light with 8 LEDs |
Увеличение | 2 swivelling mirrors - normal/5x magnification |
Батерия | Battery-powered |
Размер | Mirror diameter: 11 cm |
Цвят | Silver |
Други | Incl. screws for simple wall fastening |
Beurer BS 59 Illuminated mirror,wall-...
№ 59132_BEU
Beurer HC 60 Hair dryer, ECO technology: 1400 watt consumption with 2000 watt output, Touch sensor, Ion function, 3 heat settings,2 blower settings, Volume diffuser, Cold air, Overheating protection; Slim professional nozzle
Мощност, W | 2000 W |
Степени на температура | 3 heat levels |
Скорости | 2 fan speeds |
Йонизираща функция | Integrated ion function - Ion technology for sleek and shiny hair |
Функция студен въздух | Lockable cold air setting |
Концентратор на въздух | Narrow professional nozzle |
Дифузер за обем | Volume diffuser |
Цвят | Black |
Други | Soft Touch Surface; Removable Safety Filter for easy cleaning; Loop for hanging; Touch sensor switches on and off automatically on contact and if the air blower setting is set |
Beurer HC 60 Hair dryer, ECO technolo...
№ 60555_BEU
Уред за лице
Beurer FC 95 Pureo Deep Cleansing,Facial brush,oscillating rotation, 2 rotation settings, 3 speeds,1 attachment , water-resistant, Lithium-ion battery,charger, 4 brush attachments
Вид | Facial brush |
Настройки на скорост | 3 |
Батерия | Battery-powered |
Време за работа | 30 min |
Време за зареждане | 6h |
Водоустойчивост | Water-resistant (IPX7) - can be used in the shower and bath |
Приставки | 4 brush attachments - for all skin types, for sensitive skin, for deep-pore cleansing and for deep-cleansing exfoliation |
Индикатори | Indicator lamp for speed display |
Функции | 1-minute timer (3 x 20 sec.); 2 rotation settings - circular rotation for exceptionally gentle cleansing and oscillating rotation for thorough cleansing to give skin a soft and smooth feel |
Цвят | White/Purple |
Beurer FC 95 Pureo Deep Cleansing,Fac...
№ 59115_BEU
Beurer HC 80 Hair dryer, 2 200 W, triple ionic function, professional AC motor, 2 attachments, 3 heat settings,2 blower settings, cold air, overheating protection
Мощност, W | 2200 W |
Степени на температура | 3 |
Скорости | 2 |
Йонизираща функция | Triple Ionic Function |
Функция студен въздух | yes |
Концентратор на въздух | yes |
Дифузер за обем | yes |
Цвят | Black/Pink |
Други | Protection function |
Beurer HC 80 Hair dryer, 2 200 W, tri...
№ 57003_BEU
Комплект за маникюр/педикюр
Beurer MP 52 Manicure / pedicure set; 7 attachments; adjustable speed; left/right rotation; speed 6,000 rpm - 15.000 rpm ±15%; storage case and USB-C cable with adapter
Употреба | Manicure/Pedicure |
Степени на работа | Continuously adjustable with clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation |
Приставки | 7 attachments |
Дисплей | Magic LED display - only appears during operation |
Въртене в две посоки | yes, Continuously adjustable with clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation |
Цвят | White/Pink |
Други | Powerful professional motor with maximum output up to 15,000 rpm.; Incl. storage bag and USB-C cable with adapter; Suitable for diabetics |
Beurer MP 52 Manicure / pedicure set;...
№ 59331_BEU
Beurer HS 20 cordless hair straightener, Battery operation ,cordless, Ceramic and tourmaline-coated hot plates, 3 temperature settings from 160°C to 200°C, LED display, Cordless operation for 20 minutes, Lithium-ion battery,Plate locking system
Максимална температура | 220 °C |
Температурен обхват | 160 - 200 °C |
Степени на работа | 160, 180, 200 °C |
Покритие на плочите | Ceramic&Tourmaline-coated hot plates to protect the hair |
Време за загряване, s | Fast heating |
Дисплей | LED temperature display |
Система за заключване | Plate locking system for easy storage and transport |
Автоматично изключване | Automatic safety switch-off after 30 min. |
Дължина на кабела, m | Battery operation and cordless – the perfect travel companion |
Цвят | Pink |
Други | Cordless operation for 30 minutes; Battery level indicator; incl. Mini USB cable; Battery powered: up to 20 Min. battery life/Charging time 2 hours; Lithium-ion battery; Incl. heat-resistant protective cap for safe transportation;Size: 21,8 x 3,5 x 4,8 cm |
Beurer HS 20 cordless hair straighten...
№ 60512_BEU
Четка за тяло
Beurer FC 55 Powered body brush,2 attachments, 2 speeds,water-resistant,Lithium-ion battery,removable handle
Вид | Body brush |
Настройки на скорост | 2 speed settings with two-stage rotation |
Батерия | yes, Lithium-ion battery (Battery powered: 60 Min. battery life / 2 hours charge time) |
Време за работа | 60 min. |
Време за зареждане | 2 h |
Водоустойчивост | Water-resistant (IPX 7) – can be used in the shower and bath |
Приставки | 2 brush attachments – for noticeably radiant and soft skin |
Индикатори | Indicator lamp for speed and battery state display |
Цвят | Purple |
Други | Removable brush head for easy cleaning; 2 brush attachments: for all skin types and for deep cleansing exfoliation |