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Тип | Gentle vibrating massage |
Употреба | On the whole body, massage to-go (back, neck, arms and legs) |
Регулируем интензитет | 1 |
Електроди | 0 |
Цвят | Black |
Други | With LED light; Small and handy; Relaxation in between; 3 x AAA batteries included |
Beurer MG 18 Mini massager
№ 64814_BEU
Beurer MG 10 massage ball with vibration, 2 intensity levels,for activation and regeneration of tense muscle groups, Penetrating soft-touch surface, 7,5 cm
Тип | Vibration |
Употреба | Trigger point massage, Can relieve fasciae agglutinations and hardness; Can be used when standing, lying down and sitting |
Регулируем интензитет | 2 intensity levels |
Цвят | Black |
Други | Is intended for activation and regeneration of tense muscle groups; Easy-to-clean soft-touch surface; 7.5 cm diameter; Versatile application – at home and on the move; |
Beurer MG 10 massage ball with vibrat...
Тип | Soothing and relaxing vibration massage |
Употреба | Hand-held massager with optional heat function |
Регулируем интензитет | 2 intensity levels; 2 pre-set massage programs |
Електроди | 0 |
Цвят | Black |
Други | 3 interchangeable massage attachments |
Beurer MG 24 Massager with heat funct...
№ 64825_BEU
Beurer MG 40 infrared massager; Soothing vibration massage; Rotating massage head and 3-way adjustable handle; Infrared heat; 3 function levels; 4 interchangeable massage attachments
Тип | Vibration (infrared) |
Употреба | On the whole body |
Регулируем интензитет | 3 function levels (vibration massage, infrared heat, vibration massage with infrared heat) |
Цвят | White/Blue |
Други | Infrared heat; 4 interchangeable massage attachments (2x nub attachment, brush attachment, cone-shaped attachment); Rotating massage head and 3-way adjustable handle |
Beurer MG 40 infrared massager; Sooth...
Тип | Cellulite |
Употреба | On the whole body |
Регулируем интензитет | 2-level massage intensity |
Електроди | 0 |
Цвят | White/Silver |
Други | Ergonomically shaped; Removable massage rollers for easy cleaning; Promotes circulation in the skin layers; Noticeably firmer skin |
Beurer CM 50 Cellulite massage, flex ...
№ 63205_BEU
Beurer FB 12 foot spa; bubble massage, vibration massage,3 functions; water tempering,draining outlet
Тип | Vibration massage |
Употреба | Foot |
Цвят | White & Purple |
Други | 3 functions: vibration massage, bubble massage, water temperature control; Massage assisted footbed; Removable splash guard; Non-slip rubber feet; Suitable up to shoe size 50 |
Beurer FB 12 foot spa; bubble massage...
№ 64404_BEU
Beurer MG 145 Shiatsu massage cushion; massage for the shoulders, neck, back and legs; 4 Shiatsu massage heads; removable cover; machine-washable; light and heat function
Тип | Shiatsu massage |
Употреба | Versatile relaxation massage for the shoulders, neck, back and legs thanks to the universal cushion shape |
Регулируем интензитет | 1 |
Цвят | Silver |
Други | Light and heat function; 4 Shiatsu massage heads, rotating in pairs; Removable cover made from microfleece fibres, machine-washable |
Beurer MG 145 Shiatsu massage cushion...
№ 10218_BEU
Beurer MG 79 SENSITIVE Deep tissue massager- 3 intensity levels, 3 massage attachments, Lithium-ion battery life up to 3h, LED lights, storage bag
Тип | Gentle trigger-point massage for all muscle groups from head to toe |
Употреба | On the whole body |
Регулируем интензитет | Continuously adjustable; 3 intensity levels: 1level- approx. 1700 rpm or 28.3 Hz; 2 level- approx. 2450 rpm or 40.8 Hz; 3 level- approx. 3200 rpm or 53.3 Hz |
Цвят | Silver |
Други | Ideal for sensitive body areas such as the neck, foot and jaw muscles; LED lights for displaying the battery state and intensity level; Lithium ion battery for up to 3 hours of use |
Beurer MG 79 SENSITIVE Deep tissue ma...
Тип | Gentle trigger-point massage for all muscle groups from head to toe |
Употреба | On the whole body |
Регулируем интензитет | Continuously adjustable; 3 intensity levels: 1level- approx. 1700 rpm or 28.3 Hz; 2 level- approx. 2450 rpm or 40.8 Hz; 3 level- approx. 3200 rpm or 53.3 Hz |
Цвят | Black |
Други | Ideal for sensitive body areas such as the neck, foot and jaw muscles; LED lights for displaying the battery state and intensity level; Lithium ion battery for up to 3 hours of use |
Beurer MG 79 SENSITIVE Deep tissue ma...
Тип | Vibration massage, bubble massage |
Употреба | Foot |
Цвят | White/Purple |
Други | 3 interchangeable pedicure attachments with handy hook; 3 functions: vibration massage, bubble massage, water tempering; Soothing infrared light field; Removable roller attachments for foot reflex zone massage |
Beurer FB 21 foot spa; 3 attachments;...
Тип | Vibration massage, bubble massage |
Употреба | Foot |
Цвят | White/Purple |
Други | 3 functions: vibration massage, bubble massage, water tempering; Soothing infrared light spots; With pedicure attachment (pumice stone); Foot rest with massage naps; Removable splash protection; Suitable for up to shoe size 45 |
Beurer FB 30 foot spa; with folding f...
№ 66205_BEU
Beurer EM 49 digital TENS/EMS unit,Pain therapy (TENS), Muscle stimulation (EMS), impulse massage, 4 electrodes, 2 adjustable channels,70 training programs
Тип | TENS/EMS |
Употреба | On the whole body |
Регулируем интензитет | Adjustable intensity (64 pre-programmed applications) |
Електроди | 4 |
Таймер | Countdown timer |
Дисплей | Inverse LCD display with blue backlight |
Автоматично изключване | yes |
Цвят | White |
Други | Electrode positioning indicator; Includes 4 self-adhesive gel electrodes (45 x 45 mm); 2 separately adjustable channels; 6 customisable programs: frequency, pulse width, on/off time programmable; Doctor's function |
Beurer EM 49 digital TENS/EMS unit,Pa...
№ 88105_BEU
Beurer Antelope Corefit I, Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles; Electrodes: 2x frontal & 2x lateral abdominal muscles; 9 training programmes (20 - 30 min.); adjustable intensity /0-40/; abdominal circumferences
Тип | 2 in 1 EMS belt for core abdominal muscles and lower back muscles |
Употреба | Central and lateral abdominal muscles |
Регулируем интензитет | 9 training programs (20 - 30 min.) with adjustable intensity /0-40/ |
Електроди | 4 wear-free contact electrodes (2x frontal & 2x lateral abdominal muscles) |
Дисплей | yes |
Автоматично изключване | yes |
Цвят | Black |
Други | 3 x 1.5 V AAA batteries, abdominal circumferences of 75-140 cm |
Beurer Antelope Corefit I, Effective...
№ 64502_BEU
Beurer FM 39 Shiatsu foot massager; Soothing Shiatsu foot massage; Heat function
Тип | Shiatsu massage |
Употреба | Beneficial Shiatsu foot massage |
Цвят | Grey |
Други | Heat function, switchable; Foot reflex zone massage to stimulate circulation; Breathable mesh fabric surface |
Beurer FM 39 Shiatsu foot massager; S...
№ 64303_BEU
Beurer MG 149 Shiatsu Massage Cushion; for shoulders, neck, back and legs, removable cover machine washable 30 °, 4 massage heads rotating in pairs, light and heat
Тип | Shiatsu massage |
Употреба | On the whole body (shoulders, neck, back or legs) |
Регулируем интензитет | 1 |
Автоматично изключване | yes, Automatic switch-off |
Цвят | Red/Gray |
Други | Light and heat function; 4 Shiatsu massage heads, rotating in pairs; Clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation; Simple and secure attachment using clip buckles |
Beurer MG 149 Shiatsu Massage Cushion...
№ 59005_BEU
Beurer cellulite releaZer compact, Vibration massage, 2 massage programs, Water-resistant, 3 intensity levels, Lithium-ion battery, Non-slip handles, 4 treatment surfaces
Тип | Cellulite (Vibration massage for deep tissue toning) |
Употреба | On the whole body |
Регулируем интензитет | 3 intensity levels (2 massage programmes) |
Електроди | 0 |
Дисплей | Indicator lamp for speed and battery state display |
Автоматично изключване | Automatic switch-off after 15 min. |
Цвят | White/Pink |
Други | Waterproof (IPX 5); Charging time - 3.5h; Lithium-ion battery - 10 hours battery life; Li-Ion battery: 2200 mAh, 3.7 V; 4 treatment surfaces (smooth, nubs, blunt edge, and sharp edge); Dimentions(LxWxH): 40 x 5 x 3 cm; Weight 330 g |
Beurer cellulite releaZer compact, Vi...
№ 64413_BEU
Beurer MG 135 Shiatsu massage cushion, Universal cushion shape, washable cover, light and heat function, 4 Shiatsu massage heads - rotating in pairs
Тип | 4 Shiatsu massage heads – rotating in pairs |
Употреба | Versatile relaxation massage for the shoulders, neck, back and legs |
Цвят | Grey |
Други | Washable cover, With light and heat function, Clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation, Extra-long mains cable |
Beurer MG 135 Shiatsu massage cushion...
№ 88106_BEU
Beurer Antelope Corefit II, 2 in 1 EMS belt for core abdominal muscles and lower back muscles; Electrodes: 2x stomach, 2x back; 9 training programs; adjustable intensity /0-40/; abdominal circumferences of 75-130 cm
Тип | 2 in 1 EMS belt for core abdominal muscles and lower back muscles |
Употреба | Central and lateral abdominal muscles |
Регулируем интензитет | 9 training programs (20 - 30 min.) with adjustable intensity /0-40/ |
Електроди | 4 electrodes (2 x abdomen & 2 x back) |
Дисплей | yes |
Автоматично изключване | yes |
Цвят | Black |
Други | 3 x 1.5 V AAA batteries, abdominal circumferences of 75-130 cm, Pulse width: 250-400 µs per phase |
Beurer Antelope Corefit II, 2 in 1 E...
№ 64854_BEU
Beurer EM 50 Menstrual Relax, relieve menstrual or endometriosis pain, Combination of heat and TENS, 2 replaceable gel pads,
Тип | With transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to provide relief from period pain |
Употреба | Relieve menstrual or endometriosis pain (2 in 1: heat and TENS function) |
Регулируем интензитет | Continuously adjustable (1 heat programme- 43°C, 15 TENS intensity levels) |
Електроди | 2 |
Таймер | Countdown timer |
Автоматично изключване | Automatic switch-off after 20 minutes |
Цвят | Pink |
Други | Heat function; Reusable; With battery; LEDs for displaying the set function and a low battery state; Includes rechargeable battery (320 mAh); Incl. 2 self-adhesive gel pads and storage bag |
Beurer EM 50 Menstrual Relax, relieve...
№ 64854_BEU_64849_BEU
Beurer EM 50 Menstrual Relax + Beurer EM 50 replacement set 8x electrodes
Тип | With transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to provide relief from period pain |
Употреба | Relieve menstrual or endometriosis pain (2 in 1: heat and TENS function) |
Регулируем интензитет | Continuously adjustable (1 heat programme- 43°C, 15 TENS intensity levels) |
Електроди | 2 |
Таймер | Countdown timer |
Автоматично изключване | Automatic switch-off after 20 minutes |
Цвят | Pink |
Други | Heat function; Reusable; With battery; LEDs for displaying the set function and a low battery state; Includes rechargeable battery (320 mAh); Incl. 2 self-adhesive gel pads and storage bag |
Beurer EM 50 Menstrual Relax + Beurer...
№ 64905_BEU
Beurer MG 70 infrared massager; Tapping massage; 2 function levels; 2 interchangeable massage attachments; removable handle
Тип | Tapping massage |
Употреба | On the whole body |
Регулируем интензитет | Continuously adjustable; 2 function levels (tapping massage, tapping massage with infrared heat) |
Цвят | Silver |
Други | Infrared heat; 2 interchangeable massage attachments (soft attachment, nub attachment) |
Beurer MG 70 infrared massager; Tappi...
№ 65003_BEU
Beurer MG 99 deep tissue massager, 5 intensity levels, 4 massage attachments, Lithium-ion battery up to 5h of use, storage case
Тип | Muscle massager |
Употреба | On the whole body, Powerful and soothing trigger point massage |
Регулируем интензитет | 5 intensity levels (1-approx.1800rpm or 30 Hz, 2-approx.2100rpm or 35 Hz, 3-approx.2400rpm or 40 Hz, 4- approx.2700rpm or 45 Hz, 5-approx.3000rpm or 50 Hz) |
Цвят | White/Silver |
Други | 4 massage attachments for individual use, LED lights for displaying battery level and intensity level, Lithium-ion battery for up to 5 hours of use, Incl. case for practical storage |
Beurer MG 99 deep tissue massager, 5 ...
Тип | Muscle massager |
Употреба | On the whole body, Powerful and soothing trigger point massage |
Регулируем интензитет | 5 intensity levels (1-approx.1800rpm or 30 Hz, 2-approx.2100rpm or 35 Hz, 3-approx.2400rpm or 40 Hz, 4- approx.2700rpm or 45 Hz, 5-approx.3000rpm or 50 Hz) |
Цвят | Black |
Други | 4 massage attachments for individual use, LED lights for displaying battery level and intensity level, Lithium-ion battery for up to 5 hours of use, Incl. case for practical storage |
Beurer MG 99 deep tissue massager, LE...
№ 64308_BEU
Beurer MG 151 3D Shiatsu massager;for shoulders, neck, back and legs; 3D massage heads; 8 rotating Shiatsu massage heads; Clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation; 3 levels; automatic switch-off; light and heat function
Тип | 3D Shiatsu massage |
Употреба | On the whole body (shoulders, neck, back or legs) |
Регулируем интензитет | 3 intensity levels |
Автоматично изключване | yes |
Цвят | Grey |
Други | Light and heat function; 8 rotating Shiatsu massage heads; Clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation |