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№ 66019_BEU
Пречиствател на въздух
Beurer LR 310 Air purifier, 3 output levels, Timer function,for rooms of 18m2- 56m2, three-layered filter system, Product dimensions 14,5 x 38,8 x 42,8 cm
Technologythree-layered filter system /HEPA filter/
Effective area56 m2
Number of speed3 levels
TimerTimer function
IndicatorsFilter change indicator
OtherAutomatic switch-off, With automatic function - control adapted to the ambient air

Beurer LR 310 Air purifier, 3 output ...

№ 66019_BEU
Beurer LR 310 Air purifier, 3 output levels, Timer function,for rooms of 18m2- 56m2, three-layered filter system, Product dimensions 14,5 x 38,8 x 42,8 cm
№ PU2530F0
Пречиствател на въздух
Rowenta PU2530, PURE AIR ESSENTIAL TBC, 90m2, HEPA Filter
Effective area90 m2
Air flow230 m3/h
Number of speed3 levels
Timer1- 2- 4- 8 h
IndicatorsAir quality indicator light; Filter replacement indicator
OtherThree types of filters: Active Carbon, HEPA and Allergy+, Destroys bacteria and viruses, Night mode, Locking system


№ PU2530F0
Rowenta PU2530,  PURE AIR ESSENTIAL TBC, 90m2, HEPA Filter
№ 66375_BEU
Пречиствател на въздух
Beurer LR 220, air purifier, pre-filter + HEPA H13 filter + activated carbon, capacity 13 m2 - 37 m2
Technologythree-layered filter system (pre-filter + HEPA H13 filter + activated carbon)
Effective areaSuitable for room sizes: 13 m2 – 37 m2
NanoCaptur TechnologyHEPA filter H13
Number of speed3 output levels
IndicatorsFilter change indicator
OtherAir flow rate of up to 125 m3/h; Automatic switch-off; Filter change indicator; Night mode

Beurer LR 220, air purifier, pre-filt...

№ 66375_BEU
Beurer LR 220, air purifier, pre-filter + HEPA H13 filter + activated carbon, capacity 13 m2 - 37 m2
№ 68013_BEU
Пречиствател на въздух
Beurer LR 401 WIFI / BT Air purifier with fabric cover- App-controlled "beurer FreshHome" app; CADR approx. 266 m3/h; Smart Sensor PM 2.5 µg / m3; three-layered filter system; 4 levels + Turbo; Timer; Colored indoor air quality indicator; 69m2
TechnologyHEPA filter H13, three-layer filter system (Replaceable filter with filter change indicator (recommended replacement after 6 months at the latest)
Effective area69 m2
Air flow266 m3/h
CADRCADR: approx. 266 m3/h
Number of speed4 fan levels + turbo mode
Noise level, dBNight mode- level 1: < 30 dB, level 2: approx. 34 dB, level 3: approx. 42 dB, level 4- turbo mode: approx. 52 dB
Timeryes, 1 - 24 hours
IndicatorsFilter change indicator
ColorGrey (wiith fabric cover)
OtherColored indoor air quality indicator, Additional cleaning through switchable ultraviolet light, Smart Sensor - detects fine dust with particle sizes of 2.5 Мm, with smart automatic function: adapts the cleaning performance to the room air

Beurer LR 401 WIFI / BT Air purifier ...

№ 68013_BEU
Beurer LR 401 WIFI / BT Air purifier with fabric cover- App-controlled  "beurer FreshHome" app; CADR  approx. 266 m3/h; Smart Sensor PM 2.5 µg / m3; three-layered filter system; 4 levels + Turbo; Timer; Colored indoor air quality indicator; 69m2