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- Вътрешни SSD М.2 PCIe Enterprise
- Вътрешни SSD HHHL PCIe Enterprise
- SAMSUNG консумативи
Предназначен за | Таблети |
Съвместимост | for MediaPad M5 Lite 10.1" |
Описание | Average suspension height > 8 mm |
Нива на натиск | Pressure sensor level 2048 |
Цвят | Grey |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 145 x 10 mm |
Тегло, g | 18.1 g |
Huawei M-Pen Llite AF63
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Съвместимост | Compatible with DTU-1141 and DTH-1152 |
Тип на свързване | N/A |
Описание | Cordless, battery-free pen; 5 replacement nibs; nib remover |
Нива на натиск | 1024 levels of pressure sensitivity for the best signing and writing experience |
Цвят | Black |
Wacom Pen for DTU1141/DTH-1152
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Съвместимост | Creative Pen tablets (CTL490, CTH490 and CTH690) and One by Wacom Pen tablets (CTL472 and CTL672) |
Тип на свързване | Wireless |
Функции | Battery–free, cordless operation thanks to Electro–Magnetic Resonance (EMR) tech |
Нива на натиск | 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity |
Бутони | Programmable side-switch to put shortcuts at your fingertips |
Цвят | Black |
Wacom Pen 2K
Предназначен за | Лаптопи |
Съвместимост | HP devices support Windows Ink and Microsoft pen protocol MPP2.0. Available on selected HP laptop models. |
Тип на свързване | Wireless |
Описание | Now you’ll always be ready to work with the USB-C rechargeable pen. Get the most out of your pen with up to 30 days of battery life. |
Нива на натиск | Experience pen-point accuracy with only 9g of pressure, so you can edit, draw, write, doodle, and more. |
Бутони | 2 Buttons |
Цвят | Grey |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 150.0 x 9.5 x 9,5 mm |
HP Rechargeable MPP 2.0 Tilt Pen Char...
Предназначен за | Лаптопи |
Съвместимост | HP devices support Windows Ink and Microsoft pen protocol MPP2.0. Available on selected HP laptop models. |
Тип на свързване | Wireless |
Описание | Now you’ll always be ready to work with the USB-C rechargeable pen. Get the most out of your pen with up to 30 days of battery life. |
Нива на натиск | Experience pen-point accuracy with only 9g of pressure, so you can edit, draw, write, doodle, and more. |
Бутони | 2 Buttons |
Цвят | Silver |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 150.0 x 9.5 x 9,5 mm |
HP Rechargeable MPP 2.0 Tilt Pen Silv...
Предназначен за | Четец за Е-книги |
Съвместимост | Kobo Libra Colour, Kobo Sage, Kobo Elipsa, and Kobo Elipsa 2E |
Тип на свързване | Wireless |
Приложение | Make highlights with the intuitive highlighter button and wipe away mistakes using the eraser on the back of Kobo Stylus 2. |
Описание | Kobo Stylus 2 makes marking up your eBooks and PDFs smooth and comfortable. |
Бутони | Make highlights with the intuitive highlighter button and wipe away mistakes using the eraser on the back of Kobo Stylus 2 |
Цвят | Black |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 8 x 9 x 155 mm |
Други | Easily recharge your stylus through a USB-C power source. Includes 2 spare Kobo Stylus 2 Replacement Tips. |
Kobo Stylus 2
Предназначен за | Лаптопи |
Съвместимост | HP EliteBook x360 1030 G3/G4, HP EliteBook x360 1040 G5/G6, HP Elite x2 1013 G3, HP Elite x2 G4, HP ZBook Studio x360 G5 |
Тип на свързване | Rechargeable Battery, Charge time: approximately 30 minutes, Life per charge: up to 7 days of normal use |
Описание | Take your inspiration straight to your screen with the HP Rechargeable Active Pen G3, the digital pen designed for natural onscreen note-taking, drawing, and app navigation. |
Функции | Right-click, draw, type, and navigate better than ever with a capacitive tip that offers pin-point accuracy to help improve productivity. |
Нива на натиск | 4096 levels |
Бутони | 3 Buttons |
Цвят | Grey |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 10 x 10 x 148 mm |
Тегло, g | 15 g |
HP Rechargeable Active Pen G3
Предназначен за | Лаптопи |
Съвместимост | Surface Book, Surface Book 2, Surface Studio 1st Gen, Surface Studio 2, Surface Laptop 1st Gen, Surface Laptop 2, Surface Go, Surface Pro 3, Surface Pro 4, Surface Pro 5th Gen, Surface Pro 6, Surface Pro 7, Surface 3, Pen Tip Kit |
Тип на свързване | Connector type: Bluetooth 4.0 |
Приложение | Apps: OneNote, Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite, Sketch able, Bluebeam Revue, Draw board, CorelDraw, Staff pad |
Бутони | Buttons: Barrel button and tail eraser |
Цвят | Black |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 146.1 x 9.7 x 9.7 mm |
Тегло, g | 20 g |
Microsoft Surface Pen V4 Charcoal
Предназначен за | Лаптопи |
Съвместимост | Surface Book, Surface Book 2, Surface Studio 1st Gen, Surface Studio 2, Surface Laptop 1st Gen, Surface Laptop 2, Surface Go, Surface Pro 3, Surface Pro 4, Surface Pro 5th Gen, Surface Pro 6, Surface Pro 7, Surface 3, Pen Tip Kit |
Тип на свързване | Connector type: Bluetooth 4.0 |
Приложение | Apps: OneNote, Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite, Sketch able, Bluebeam Revue, Draw board, CorelDraw, Staff pad |
Бутони | Buttons: Barrel button and tail eraser |
Цвят | Silver |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 146.1 x 9.7 x 9.7 mm |
Тегло, g | 20 g |
Microsoft Surface Pen V4 Silver
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Съвместимост | Ballpoint Pen for Bamboo Folio and Bamboo Slate (CDS-610, CDS-810) |
Тип на свързване | N/A |
Приложение | 1.0 mm tip using a black oil ink cartridge |
Описание | Type: Stick ballpoint pen; Refillable; Battery–free, cordless operation thanks to Electro–Magnetic Resonance (EMR) tech |
Цвят | Black |
Wacom Ballpoint Pen
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Съвместимост | Interactive Pen Display DTK-2451, DTH-2452, DTK-1651 |
Тип на свързване | N/A |
Описание | Product Type: Stylus |
Бутони | Nib remover |
Цвят | Black |
Wacom Accessory Pen Black DTK1651
Предназначен за | Лаптопи |
Съвместимост | Surface Laptop Studio, Surface Pro 3 - Surface Pro 8, Surface Pro X, Surface Duo, Surface Duo 2, Surface Go, Go 2, Surface Go 3, Surface Hub 2S, Surface Laptop 1 - 4, Surface Studio 1, 2, Surface Book 1 - 3, Non-Surface devices that support Microsoft Pen |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth Wireless 5.0 Technology |
Приложение | Experience natural and inclusive note-taking, sketching, and navigating with the same feeling you get with pen on paper when paired with Surface Pro 8 or Surface Laptop Studio with the built-in haptic motor. |
Бутони | Side button, Top Button with eraser functionality |
Цвят | Black |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 136.8 x 11.3 x 6.3 mm |
Тегло, g | 13 g |
Microsoft Surface Slim Pen 2 Black
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth |
Приложение | For professional and aspiring artists, the Lenovo Precision Pen also recognizes degrees of tilt for lifelike shading for drawings and paintings |
Нива на натиск | 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity for natural writing and sketching |
Бутони | Take a short-cut in your work, seamlessly switch between different applications with one of three configurable shortcut buttons on the side and top of the pen, page through presentations, to be customized through Windows Pen feature and Pen App |
Цвят | Grey |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | Length 152.3mm, Diameter 9.5mm |
Тегло, g | 19 g |
Lenovo Precision Pen
Предназначен за | Лаптопи |
Съвместимост | The Dell Premium Active Pen features flexible, multi-protocol compatibility with select Dell 2-in-1s with a Windows Ink compatible display. |
Тип на свързване | Wireless - Bluetooth 4.2, Microsoft Pen Protocol |
Приложение | OS Required Windows 10 |
Описание | White LED indicator, Wacom Active ES technology, Wacom Active ES technology (AES) 2.0, Microsoft Pen Protocol (MPP) 1.51, Windows Ink Workspace |
Бутони | 3 Buttons |
Цвят | Black |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 9.8 x 151 mm |
Тегло, g | 19.5 g |
Други | Battery AAAA type |
Dell Premium Active Pen-PN579X
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Съвместимост | Intuos Pro, Intuos5 Intuos4 Cintiq 21UX (second generation DTK2100 only) Cintiq 13HD Cintiq 22HD Cintiq 22HD touch Cintiq 24HD Cintiq 24HD touch Cintiq Companion Cintiq Companion Hybrid. |
Тип на свързване | Wireless |
Приложение | Wacom Grip Pen is equipped with a waisted rubberised grip area, reducing gripping power by up to 40%, relieving stress on the hand and wrist and alleviating writing fatigue |
Функции | Cordless, battery-free; Tilt Sensitivity: ± 60°, Tool ID; Pressure-sensitive eraser |
Нива на натиск | 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity |
Бутони | 2 customisable side-switches |
Цвят | Black |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 157 x 15 mm |
Тегло, g | 17 g |
Wacom Grip Pen, Intuos4/5, DTK & DTH
Предназначен за | Таблети |
Съвместимост | iPad Pro 12.9" (3rd/4th/5th/6th generation), iPad Pro 11" (1st/2nd/3rd/4th generation), iPad Air (4th/5th generation), iPad (10th generation), iPad mini (6th generation) |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth, USB-C Connector |
Приложение | Apple Pencil (USB-C) is perfect for taking notes, sketching, marking up documents, journalling and more. It delivers pixel-perfect precision, low latency and tilt sensitivity. So it’s as natural to use as a pencil. |
Описание | Apple Pencil (USB-C) pairs and charges via a USB-C Charge Cable. It magnetically attaches to the side of iPad for storage. |
Функции | Apple Pencil (USB-C) supports Apple Pencil hover when used with iPad Pro 12.9-inch (6th generation) and iPad Pro 11-inch (4th generation). |
Цвят | White |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | Length: 155 mm, Diameter: 8.9 mm |
Тегло, g | 20.5 g |
Други | System Requirements: iPadOS 17.1.1 or later |
Apple Pencil (USB-C)
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Съвместимост | Wacom Intuos Pro (PTH460, PTH-660,PTH-660P, PTH-860, PTH-860P) Wacom Cintiq Pro (DTH-1320, DTH-1620, DTK-2420, DTH-2420, DTH-3220) Wacom MobileStudio Pro (DTH-W1320, DTH-W1620) Wacom Cintiq (DTK1660) |
Тип на свързване | Wireless |
Функции | Exceptional tilt response and virtually lag–free tracking provide greater creative control |
Нива на натиск | 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity |
Бутони | yes |
Цвят | Black |
Тегло, g | 15 g |
Wacom Pro Pen 2
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Съвместимост | Wacom Intuos Pro PTH-660 & PTH-860 |
Тип на свързване | N/A |
Приложение | Sketch the smallest details on paper with the Wacom Finetip Pen. Its 0.4 mm nib and black gel ink cartridge pack the latest creative pen technology |
Нива на натиск | Elevate your work with 8192 pressure levels, giving you the familiar feeling of ink on paper |
Цвят | Black |
Wacom Finetip Pen
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Съвместимост | Wacom Intuos Pro PTH-660, PTH-860 |
Тип на свързване | N/A |
Приложение | When used with the Wacom Intuos Pro Paper Editon (Medium or Large) or Wacom Intuos Pro (Medium or Large) and Wacom Paper Clip, the tablet can capture every stroke digitally while you draw. Three refills come as standard |
Нива на натиск | Incorporating our latest pen technology with 8192 pressure levels, the 1.0 mm nib and long-lasting black oil ink cartridge give you the freedom to work fast and loose. |
Цвят | Black |
Wacom Ballpoint Pen
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Съвместимост | Wacom Intuos Pro, Cintiq 13,Cintiq 22, Cintiq 27, Wacom Cintiq Pro 13&16, Wacom Cintiq Pro 24, Wacom Cintiq Pro 32, Wacom MobileStudio Pro, Wacom Cintiq 16 |
Тип на свързване | Wireless |
Приложение | Realistic simulation of ink, spray distance and tilt angle ensures authentic, on–screen airbrush performance |
Функции | Cordless, battery-free; Tilt Sensitivity: ± 60°, Tool ID; Eraser |
Нива на натиск | The easy-to-handle finger wheel features 1024 levels of fine graduations – when you release it, it remains in its last position, unlike conventional airbrushes, meaning digital ink application remains constant |
Бутони | Finger wheel, Customisable side-switch |
Цвят | Black |
Wacom Airbrush for Intuos4/5 & DTK
Предназначен за | Графични таблети |
Съвместимост | Intuos Pro, Wacom Intuos Pro, Cintiq 13/ 22 / 27, Wacom Cintiq Pro 13&16, Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 & 32, Wacom MobileStudio Pro, Wacom Cintiq 16 & 22 |
Тип на свързване | Wireless |
Приложение | Wacom Art Pen offers a digital take on the classic felt marker. With a broad–angled tip, it can be rotated to draw thick or thin lines, just like its analogue predecessor |
Описание | Wacom Art Pen also works like a calligraphic fountain pen, allowing for precise handwriting as well as perfect sketches |
Функции | Cord-/battery-less; Eraser, Tilt Sensitivity, Tool ID; Rotation–sensitive at 360 degree, you can change the width of its stroke by simply turning the pen's barrel (software must support rotation–sensitivity) |
Нива на натиск | 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity |
Бутони | Programmable double-side switch |
Цвят | Black |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | 156 x 16 mm |
Тегло, g | 20 g |
Wacom Art Pen for Intuos4/5 & DTK
Предназначен за | Таблети |
Съвместимост | iPad Pro 13-inch (M4), iPad Pro 11-inch (M4), iPad Air 13-inch (M2), iPad Air 11-inch (M2) |
Тип на свързване | Bluetooth |
Приложение | Apple Pencil defines the experience of drawing, taking notes or annotating documents. |
Описание | Apple Pencil Pro adds even more magical capabilities to help bring your ideas to life. New advanced features make marking up, taking notes, and creating a masterpiece more intuitive than ever. |
Функции | Magnetically attaches, pairs and charges, Double tap, Apple Pencil hover, Haptic feedback, Barrel roll, Squeeze |
Цвят | White |
Размери (Ш, Д, В), mm | Length: 166 mm, Diameter: 8.9 mm |
Тегло, g | 19 g |