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Телевизори, монитори, мултимедия
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Принтери, скенери и МФУ
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- Цветни лазерни многофункционални устройства
- Цветни LED принтери
- Цветни LED многофункционални устройства
- 3D скенери
- Етикетни принтери
- Етикетиращи системи
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- Консумативи за матричен принтер
- Консумативи за етикетни устройства
- Консумативи за лентови устройства
- Консумативи за термотрансферен печат
- Консумативи за POS принтери
- Хартии за лазерен печат
- Хартии за мастилоструен печат
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Мрежови устройства
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- Кабелни аксесоари
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- Мрежови аксесоари
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Уреди за здраве и красота
- LED/UV лампи
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Уреди за дома
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- Ароматизатори
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- SAMSUNG Tablets
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- SAMSUNG интерактивни дисплеи
- SAMSUNG широкоформатни дисплеи
SAMSUNG памети, SSD и аксесоари
- Вътрешни SSD 2.5 inch
- Вътрешни SSD M.2 PCIe
- Вътрешни SSD U.2 PCIe Enterprise
- Външни SSD
- USB памети
- Micro SD Cards with Adaptor
- Вътрешни SSD 2.5" SATA DataCenter
- Вътрешни SSD U.2 PCIe 2.5" DataCenter
- Вътрешни SSD PCIe M.2 DataCenter
- Вътрешни SSD U.2 PCIe 2.5" Enterprise
- Вътрешни SSD SAS 2.5" Enterprise
- Вътрешни SSD М.2 PCIe Enterprise
- Вътрешни SSD HHHL PCIe Enterprise
- SAMSUNG консумативи
Съвместимост | PT18R/ 1850/ 2400/ 2450/ 550/ 2500/ 1280/ 1830/ 1010/ 1230/ 2430/ 7100/7600/ GL200/ 1090 |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Blue on Clear |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 12 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | Equally handy in the home, office or workplace, this laminated blue on clear TZe-133 labelling tape can be used to identify the contents of everything from file folders and shelves to USB flash drives, as well as cables and other equipment |
Brother TZe-133 Tape Blue on Clear, L...
Съвместимост | PT-1100, 1130, 1150, 1150DX |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Black on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 9 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These genuine self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use |
Brother TZe-221 Tape Black on White L...
Съвместимост | PT-1100, 1130, 1150, 1150DX |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Red on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 9 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use |
Brother TZe-222 Tape Red on White, La...
Съвместимост | PT-1100, 1130, 1150, 1150DX |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Blue on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 9 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use |
Brother TZe-223 Tape Blue on White, L...
Съвместимост | PT18R/ 1850/ 2400/ 2450/ 550/ 2500/ 1280/ 1830/ 1010/ 1230/2430/ 7100/ 7600/ GL200 |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Black on Red |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 9 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use |
Brother TZe-421 Tape Black on Red, La...
Съвместимост | PT1000/ 1950/ 200/ 220/ 2450/ 2480/ 300/ 310/ 340/ 350/ 3600/ 540/ 9200/ 9400/ 9500/ 9600/ 1250/ 1750/ 1800/ GL100 |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Black on Blue |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 9 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | Equally handy in the home, office or workplace, this laminated black on Blue TZe-521 labelling tape can be used to identify the contents of everything from file folders and shelves to USB flash drives, as well as cables and other equipment |
Brother TZe-521 Tape Black on Blue, L...
Съвместимост | PT18R/1850/2400/2450/550/2500/1280/1830/1010/1230/2430/7100/7600/GL200/1090 |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Black on Yellow |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 9 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. |
Brother TZe-621 Tape Black on Yellow,...
Съвместимост | PT18R/ 1850/ 2400/ 2450/ 550/ 2500/ 1280/ 1830/ 1010/1230/ 2430/ 7100/ 7600/ GL200/ PT1090 |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Black on Green |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 9 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use |
Brother TZe-721 Tape Black on Green, ...
Съвместимост | Brother QL printers |
Тип лента | DK |
Цвят | Black on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 12 mm diameter round labels |
Други | 1200 labels per roll; You can expect professional results with these pre-cut round labels |
Brother DK-11219 Round Paper 1/2" lab...
№ DK11221
Brother DK-11221 Square Paper Labels, 23mmx23mm, 1000 labels per roll (Black on White)
Съвместимост | Brother QL-500/ QL-500A/ QL-550/ QL-560/ QL-570/ QL-580/ QL-650TD/ QL-1050N/ QL-1060N |
Тип лента | DK |
Цвят | Black on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 23 x 23 mm |
Други | 1000 labels per roll; You can expect professional results with these pre-cut standard address labels, which can be used to display logos, barcodes, visitor badges or shipping information |
Brother DK-11221 Square Paper Labels,...
Съвместимост | Brother QL printers |
Тип лента | DK |
Цвят | Black on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 24 mm diameter round label |
Други | 1000 labels per roll; You can expect professional results with these pre-cut round labels |
Brother DK-11218 Round Paper 1" label...
№ BDE1J026076102
Brother BDE-1J026076-102 White Direct Thermal Die-Cut Label Roll, 76mm x 26mm (Order Multiples of 8)
Съвместимост | Brother TD-4000, TD-4100N, TD-4410D, TD-4420DN, TD-4520DN, TD-4550DNWB, TD-4210D |
Тип лента | BDE, Direct thermal label printing |
Цвят | White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 76 x 26 mm |
Други | 1900 labels per roll; Printing direct thermal labels 76mm x 26mm in size, this supply is perfect for healthcare labelling applications, such as, specimen labels and appointment card labels |
Brother BDE-1J026076-102 White Direct...
№ DK22223
Brother DK-22223 White Continuous Length Paper Tape 50mm x 30.48m, Black on White
Съвместимост | QL-570/QL-700/QL-710W/QL-720NW/QL-650/QL-1050/QL-1060N |
Тип лента | DK |
Цвят | Black on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 50 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 30.48 m |
Други | Perfect for producing labels for folders, envelopes or even shelving signage. Expertly designed to suit all your labelling needs, the continuous paper tape allows you create any sized label, by cutting the tape yourself at your required length |
Brother DK-22223 White Continuous Len...
№ DKN55224
Brother DK-N55224 Roll White Continuous Length Non-Adhesive Paper Tape 54mmx30.48M (Black on White)
Съвместимост | Brother QL-500, QL-500A, QL-550, QL-560, QL-570, QL-580, QL-650TD, QL-1050N, QL-1060N |
Тип лента | DK |
Цвят | Black on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 54 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 30.48 m |
Други | Especially designed for use in creating smaller-scale print items like visitor badges and table place cards, this DK-N55224 paper roll is also ideal for printing anything that need to contain a barcode, like tickets or shelf labels |
Brother DK-N55224 Roll White Continuo...
Съвместимост | PT-300, PT-300B, PT-310, PT-310B, PT-320, PT-340, PT-1700, PT-1800, PT-330, PT-350, PT-520, PT-540, PT-580C, PT-2500PC |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Black on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 12 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use |
Brother TZe-231 Tape Black on White L...
Съвместимост | PT18R/ 1850/ 2400/ 2450/ 550/ 2500/ 1280/ 1830/ 1010/ 1230/ 2430/ 7100/ 7600/ GL200/ PT1090 |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Red on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 12 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use |
Brother TZe-232 Tape Red on White, La...
Съвместимост | PT18R/ 1850/ 2400/ 2450/ 550/ 2500/ 1280/ 1830/ 1010/ 1230/ 2430/ 7100/ 7600/ GL200 |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Blue on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 12 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use |
Brother TZe-233 Tape Blue on White, L...
Съвместимост | PT-1000, PT-1230PC, PT1290, PT-1300, PT-1400, PT1500PC, PT-1600, PT-1650, PT1750, PT-1800, PT-1810, PT18R, PR-1900, PT-1910, PT-1950, PT-1960, PT-2300, PT-2310, PT-2400, PT-2410, PT-2430PC, PT-2600 и др |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | White on Black |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 6 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use |
Brother TZe-315 Tape White on Black, ...
Съвместимост | Brother P-Touch Label printers |
Тип лента | TZ-e Flexible |
Цвят | Gloss Black on Red |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 12 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | Equally handy in the home, office or workplace, this laminated black on Red TZe-431 labelling tape can be used to identify the contents of everything from file folders and shelves to USB flash drives, as well as cables and other equipment |
Brother TZe-431 Tape Gloss Black on R...
Съвместимост | PT18R/ 1850/ 2400/ 2450/ 550/ 2500/ 1280/ 1830/ 1010/ 1230/2430/ 7100/ 7600/ GL200/ PT1090 |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Black on Blue |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 12 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | Equally handy in the home, office or workplace, this laminated black on Blue TZe-531 labelling tape can be used to identify the contents of everything from file folders and shelves to USB flash drives, as well as cables and other equipment |
Brother TZe-531 Tape Black on Blue, L...
Съвместимост | PT1100, PT1160, PT1170,PT1180, PT11Q, PT1200, PT1300, PT1500PC, PT1700, PT1750, PT1800, PT1810, PT1900, PT200, PT2200, PT2210, PT2300, PT2310, PT2400, PT2410, PT2500PC, PT2600, PT2610, PT300, PT300B, PT310 и др |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Black on Yellow |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 12 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | These extremely versatile self-adhesive laminated labels have been developed to withstand the extremes of temperatures, and are resistant to chemicals, abrasion, sunlight and submersion in water, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use |
Brother TZe-631 Tape Black on Yellow,...
Съвместимост | PT18R/ 1850/ 2400/ 2450/ 550/ 2500/ 1280/ 1830/ 1010/ 1230/ 2430/ 7100/ 7600/ GL200/ PT1090 |
Тип лента | TZ |
Цвят | Black on Green |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 12 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | Equally handy in the home, office or workplace, this laminated black on Green TZe-731 labelling tape can be used to identify the contents of everything from file folders and shelves to USB flash drives, as well as cables and other equipment |
Brother TZe-731 Tape Black on Green, ...
№ BDE1J050102102
Brother BDE-1J050102-102 White Paper Label Roll, 1050 labels per roll, 102x50 mm (Order Multiples of 8)
Съвместимост | TD-4000, TD-4100N |
Тип лента | BDE, Direct thermal label printing |
Цвят | White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 102 x 50 mm |
Други | 836 labels per roll; Ideal for use in the office, retail or warehouse environment, these die-cut labels can be used to display logos, barcodes or shipping information |
Brother BDE-1J050102-102 White Paper ...
Съвместимост | Brother P-Touch Label printers |
Тип лента | TZ-e Flexible |
Цвят | Black on White |
Ширина на лентата, mm | 6 mm |
Дължина на лентата, m | 8 m |
Други | Primarily used for the identification of cables/fibre, this flexible-ID label tape cassette has been developed with a special adhesive that allows the label to be either wrapped repeatedly around a cable or can be stuck to itself in the style of a flag |