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Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Lanberg's wire stripper NT-0103 primary application is to remove insulation from STP/UTP LAN, computer, audio, SPT-1 / SPT-2 or any other cables. |
Lanberg universal stripping tool for ...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Lanberg’s stripping tool NT-0101 is a universal device intended for all cable installers, with broad scope of applications, such as traditional electronic workshops or professional installation sites. |
Х-ка 3 | This particular product is dedicated to stripping the external insulation or cutting cabling such as ethernet (UTP, FTP, SFTP), coaxial, data, telephone, LAN and electric wires. |
Х-ка 4 | Appropriate design of the blades and flexible configuration of stripping tool ensures, that insulation layer of cable is correctly removed, without damaging any internal veins of a wire. |
Х-ка 5 | Stripping insulation of round cables (rotation 1-3x): 1.3mm ~ 3.3mm. |
Х-ка 6 | Stripping insulation of multi-conductor cables: 3.2mm ~ 9.0mm. |
Х-ка 7 | Stripping insulation of installation wires: 0.3mm ~ 0.8mm. |
Х-ка 8 | Stripping insulation of telephone and LAN wires: 8p (RJ-45 - 8P8C), 6p (RJ-14 - 6P4C & RJ-12 - 6P6C), 4p (RJ-9 - 4P4C), 2p. |
Lanberg universal stripping tool for ...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Lanberg's universal tool for removing the insulation (RG5 /6 and 7/11 with regulation) from cables. |
Х-ка 3 | This easy-to-use tool can be used for coaxial or round and flat network cables. |
Х-ка 4 | Durable blades are of great quality and can withstand up to approx. 5,000 cuts. |
Lanberg universal stripping tool for ...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Used for crimping/terminating network cables in accordance with LSA technology, used in practice, to perform the cable terminations for the purposes of flush and surface mount data boxes, ICT surface boxes, patch panels and many other devices. |
Х-ка 3 | The device is ideally suited for LSA sockets used in xDSL and ISDN networks, as well as, for the cables with LSA connectors and blocks of telephone connector panels. |
Х-ка 4 | Due to the fact, that a single wire cannot be in insulation, the LSA technique of stripping the insulation eliminates this particular problem, which translates to the practical use of this product. |
Х-ка 5 | Allows connection of cables with a diameter of: 0.35mm ~ 0.9mm and 0.7mm - 2.6mm. |
Х-ка 6 | Color: white. |
Lanberg insertion tool for lsa connec...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Lanberg’s crimping tool NT-0202 is an essential product intended for any installer, who has, on a daily basis, contact with the ICT and telecommunications network wiring. |
Х-ка 3 | This device (with its double arms) can be used for crimping all kinds of cable connectors such as RJ-11, RJ-12 and RJ-45. |
Х-ка 4 | On top of that, this convenient tool has a built-in additional insulation stripper intended for flat and round cables with a diameter of approx. 6mm. |
Х-ка 5 | Due to the special ratchet mechanism, insufficient pressure placed connectors can be prevented. |
Х-ка 6 | All in all, this tool’s simplicity and multi-functionality of this device, allows it to meet the expectations of both amateurs and professional, when it comes to crimping network cable connectors. |
Lanberg universal crimping tool for w...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Lanberg’s crimping tool NT-0201 is an essential product intended for installer, who has, on a daily basis, contact with the ICT and telecommunications network cabling. |
Х-ка 3 | This device (with its double arms) can be used for crimping all kinds of cable connectors such as RJ-9, RJ-11, RJ-12 and RJ-45. |
Х-ка 4 | On top of that, this convenient tool has a built-in additional insulation puller intended for flat and round cables with a diameter of approx. 6mm. |
Х-ка 5 | For crimping modular connectors: 8p (RJ-45 - 8P8C), 6p (RJ-14-6P4C & RJ-12 - 6P6C), 4p (RJ-9 - 4P4C). |
Х-ка 6 | The length of the blade: 14mm. |
Х-ка 7 | Clamps made in accordance with CNC (numeric precision machining) standard. |
Х-ка 8 | Arm length: approx. 150mm. |
Lanberg universal crimping tool for R...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Lanberg’s network cable tester is a multifunctional device for testing wires of ICT networks. |
Х-ка 3 | With the help of this tool, you can test connections of telephone wires terminated with RJ-11 connector and UTP, FTP, SFTP stranded cable terminated with RJ-45 connectors. |
Х-ка 4 | Product’s main application is to measure the continuity of LAN cabling and verification of connections along with the detection of possible problems with cabling, such as short-circuits or incorrect pairings of wire. |
Х-ка 5 | This particular device consists of two parts, each of them should be fixed correctly at the right ends of the tested cable. |
Х-ка 6 | Cable tester equipped with RJ-45, RJ-12/RJ-11, LEDs with the power switch. |
Х-ка 7 | Terminator (attachment) equipped with RJ-45 and RJ-12/RJ-11 connectors LEDs. |
Lanberg cable tester for wiring termi...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Lanberg’s network cable tester is a multifunctional device for testing cables of ICT networks. The device is an indispensable tool for every installer and significantly helps to save time in verifying network wire pairs. |
Х-ка 3 | With the help of this tool you can test connections of telephone wires terminated with RJ-11 connector and UTP, FTP, SFTP stranded cable terminated with RJ-45 plugs or wires terminated with coaxial plug. |
Х-ка 4 | Cable tester equipped with RJ-45, RJ-12/RJ-11, and the coaxial connectors LEDs with power switch. |
Х-ка 5 | Terminator (attachment) equipped with RJ-45 and RJ-12/RJ-11 connectors LEDs. |
Х-ка 6 | Tester checks each vein separately (using two different speed modes) and the correctness of connection of the shield to the modular plug when the FTP wire (shielded) is tested. |
Х-ка 7 | Automatic validation of connections in RJ-45 and RJ-11 cables; Slow test option; Signal measurement and control using 9 LEDs; Two different speed modes (automatic scan). |
Х-ка 8 | Detection of incorrect connections; Detection of short circuits and breaks in wiring; Detection of junction of cable pairs; Detection of reversal of cable pairs. |
Lanberg cable tester for RJ-45, RJ-12...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | It is used to remove insulation and crimping of connector terminals. |
Х-ка 3 | Terminal dimensions - 7-8mm2. |
Х-ка 4 | Working range from 0.5 to 6mm2, for crimping 1.5 to 6mm2 terminals. |
Х-ка 5 | 4.0-6.0mm2 - AWG 10-22. |
Х-ка 6 | 0.5-2.5mm2 - AWG 14-22 |
Х-ка 7 | The cutting jaws are made of extremely durable steel with a hardness of 40-55 HRC, which ensures long tool durability. |
Х-ка 8 | The ergonomic handle increases the comfort of work. |
Lanberg automatic wire stripper 0,5-6...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | A set of 100 pcs of cable connectors, various types. All in a transparent box with a crimping tool. Suitable for 1.25-4mm cables. |
Lanberg 100pcs cable terminal kit wit...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | This particular set of Lanberg's tools for creating / building a LAN network infrastructure is an essential, basic toolkit for anyone who wants to properly wire ICT (telecommunication) cables for the purposes of their network. |
Х-ка 3 | Lanberg’s universal crimping tool for crimping & cutting wires with RJ-11/12/45 connectors: NT-0202. |
Х-ка 4 | Lanberg’s universal stripping tool for cables: NT-0103. |
Х-ка 5 | RJ-45 UTP connectors. |
Х-ка 6 | RJ-45 FTP connectors. |
Lanberg crimping toolkit with RJ45 co...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Lanberg’s universal network tool case is intended as an inseparable element of work of every network installer, whose daily routine includes managing, adjustment and preparation of telecommunication and ICT cables. |
Х-ка 3 | Every single network tool which a part of this set is, can be stored inside of Lanberg’s convenient tool case, provided with this product bundle. |
Х-ка 4 | Insertion tool for LSA connections, also known as punch tool for Krone IDC 110 connectors |
Х-ка 5 | Stripping tool for network and telephone cables such as: UTP, FTP, SFTP LAN cables, coaxial etc. |
Х-ка 6 | Crimping tool: intended for cables 8p (RJ-45 - 8P8C). |
Х-ка 7 | Cable tester intended for RJ-45, RJ-12, RJ-11, coaxial connectors. |
Х-ка 8 | Cable tester for RJ-45, RJ-12, RJ-11 connectors, with cable pair identifier. |
Lanberg network tool case w. network ...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | This tester has been designed to easily and quickly verify the correct pin out configuration. |
Х-ка 3 | Cables that can be tested: USB (A/A, A/B), BNC 10-100-1000Base-TX, Coaxial, RJ45, RJ11/RJ12 (adapters added and hidden in the place for the battery). |
Lanberg cable tester for wiring termi...
№ NT-0302
Lanberg network toolkit with RJ45 RJ11 cable tester, crimping, stripping and lsa-insertion tool
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | This particular set of Lanberg's tools for creating / building/testing a LAN network infrastructure is an essential, basic toolkit for anyone who wants to properly wire and verify ICT (telecommunication) cables for their network. |
Х-ка 3 | Universal crimping tool for crimping & cutting wires with RJ-11/12/45 connectors: NT-0202. |
Х-ка 4 | Universal stripping tool for UTP/STP network cables: NT-0102. |
Х-ка 5 | Cable tester for ICT wires with RJ-45, RJ-11 connectors: NT-0402. |
Х-ка 6 | LSA-Insertion tool: NT-0001 |
Lanberg network toolkit with RJ45 RJ...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Universal 2in1 crimping tool and cable tester. |
Х-ка 3 | This professional crimping & testing tool is designed for RJ45 and RJ11 plugs; has a twisted-pair tester built into the cradle's handles to disconnect one part of the tester from the crimper; |
Х-ка 4 | Enables clamping of modular plugs: RJ45 - 8p8c, RJ11 - 6p2c, RJ12 - 6p6c, RJ14 - 6p4c |
Х-ка 5 | Knives for cutting wires; knives for removing external insulation (flat cables) |
Lanberg crimping tool for RJ45, RJ12,...
Предназначен за | Обща употреба |
Х-ка 2 | Lanberg’s cable tester with identifier of cable pairs NT-0501 is a multifunctional device for scanning and testing cables of ICT networks. |
Х-ка 3 | It helps significantly save time in searching and verifying pairs wire networks and electric wires. |
Х-ка 4 | The device locates, verifies the connection and detects any problems such as short circuits or incorrect cable pair connections. With the use of this particular Laberg’s device users can detect wires in most types of support terminals. |
Х-ка 5 | Find the location of sought wires. |
Х-ка 6 | Identify and verify wires and their overall condition. |
Х-ка 7 | Test cable measurements and their continuity. |
Х-ка 8 | Locate and verify any occurring short-circuits. |