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№ 5158C009AA
Лазерно многофункционално устройство
Canon i-SENSYS MF651Cw Printer/Scanner/Copier
Available functionsPrint, Copy, Scan
Print speed black, ppmSingle sided: Up to 18 ppm (A4); Up to 38 ppm (A5-Landscape); FPOT: 10.4 seconds or less
Print speed color, ppmSingle sided: Up to 18 ppm (A4); Up to 38 ppm (A5-Landscape); FPOT: 10.5 seconds or less
Printer resolutionUp to 1200 x 1200 dpi
Scanner, typeColour, Platen
Scanner resolutionOptical: Up to 600 x 600 dpi; Enhanced: Up to 9600 x 9600 dpi
Scanning methods and advanced FeaturesScan to: E-mail, PC, USB Memory Key, FTP, Cloud; Formats: TIFF/JPEG/PDF/Compact PDF/Searchable PDF; to Cloud: TIFF/JPEG/PDF/PNG
Copy speed black, cpmUp to 18 ppm Single sided (A4); FCOT: 11.4 seconds or less
Copy speed color, cpmUp to 18 ppm Single sided (A4); FCOT: 13.4 seconds or less
Copy resolutionUp to 600 x 600 dpi
Number of copiesUp to 999 copies
Zoom25% to 400% in 1% increments
InterfaceUSB 2.0 Hi-Speed
Wireless networkWireless 802.11b/g/n, Wireless Direct Connection
Memory, MB1GB
Media, typePlain paper, Recycled paper, Heavy Paper, Thin paper, Colour paper, Coated paper, Label, Post card, Envelope
Media, sizeCassette : A4, A5, A5 (Landscape), B5, Legal, Letter, Executive, Statement, OFFICIO, B-OFFICIO, M-OFFICIO, GLTR, GLGL, Foolscap, 16K, Post card, Indexcard, Envelop (COM10, DL, C5, Monarch), Custom sizes
Media weight, g/m2Cassette: 60 to 163 g/m2 (Up to 200 g/m2 with Coated paper); Multi-purpose tray: 60 to 163 g/m2 (Up to 200 g/m2 with Coated paper)
Input Paper capacity250-sheet cassette 1-sheet manual feed slot; Maximum Paper Input Capacity: 251 sheets
Output paper capacity100-sheet
Duplex printingManual
Display12.7 cm LCD Colour Touch Screen
SuppliesCartridge 067 Black (1 350 pages), Cartridge 067H Black (3 130 pages); Cartridge 067 Cyan/Magenta/Yellow (1 250 pages each color), Cartridge 067H Cyan/Magenta/Yellow (2 350 pages each color)
Monthly duty cycle, pages/monthMax. 30 000 pages per month; Recommended Monthly Print Volume: 250 - 2 500 pages per month
Compatible Operating systemsWindows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Server 2022; Mac OS X version 10.11 & up; Linux
Dimensions (W, D, H), mmwith Trays: 451 x 460 x 360 mm; Installation Space (W x D x H): 65 x 1046 x 780 mm

Canon i-SENSYS MF651Cw Printer/Scanne...

№ 5158C009AA
Canon i-SENSYS MF651Cw Printer/Scanner/Copier
№ 5158C004AA
Лазерно многофункционално устройство
Canon i-SENSYS MF655cdw Printer/Scanner/Copier
Available functionsPrint, Copy and Scan
Print speed black, ppmSingle sided: Up to 21 ppm (A4), Up to 38 ppm(A5-Landscape); Double sided: Up to 12.7 ipm (A4); FPOT: 10.4 seconds or less
Print speed color, ppmSingle sided: Up to 21 ppm (A4), Up to 38 ppm(A5-Landscape); Double sided: Up to 12.7 ipm (A4); FPOT: 10.5 seconds or less
Printer resolutionUp to 1200 x 1200 dpi
Scanner, typeColour, Platen, ADF
Scanner resolutionOptical: Up to 600 x 600 dpi; Enhanced: Up to 9600 x 9600 dpi
Scanning methods and advanced FeaturesScan to: E-mail, PC, USB Memory Key, FTP, Cloud; Formats: TIFF/JPEG/PDF/Compact PDF/Searchable PDF; to Cloud: TIFF/JPEG/PDF/PNG; Maximum Scan Width: 216mm
Copy speed black, cpmSingle sided (A4): Up to 21 ppm, Double sided (A4): Up to 12.7 ppm; FCOT: Approx. 11.4 seconds or less (platen), 12.3 seconds or less (ADF)
Copy speed color, cpmSingle sided (A4): Up to 21 ppm, Double sided (A4): Up to 12.7 ppm; FCOT: Approx. 13.4 seconds or less (platen), 14.5 seconds or less (ADF)
Copy resolutionUp to 600 x 600 dpi
Number of copiesUp to 999 copies
Zoom25% to 400% in 1% increments
InterfaceUSB 2.0 Hi-Speed
Wireless networkWireless 802.11b/g/n, Wireless Direct Connection
Memory, MB1GB
Media, typePlain paper, Recycled paper, Heavy Paper, Thin paper, Colour paper, Coated paper, Label, Post card, Envelope
Media, sizeA4, A5, A5 (Landscape), B5, Legal, Letter, Executive, Statement, OFFICIO, B-OFFICIO, M-OFFICIO, GLTR, GLGL, Foolscap, 16K, Post card, Indexcard, Envelop (COM10, DL, C5, Monarch), Custom sizes
Media weight, g/m2Cassette: 60 to 163 g/m2(Up to 200 g/m2 with Coated paper) Multi-purpose tray: 60 to 163 g/m2 (Up to 200 g/m2 with Coated paper), ADF: 50 to 105 g/m2
Input Paper capacity250-sheet cassette + 1-sheet manual feed slot; Maximum Paper Input Capacity: 251 sheets
Output paper capacity100-sheet
ADF50-sheet ADF
Duplex printingyes
Display12.7 cm LCD Colour Touch Screen
SuppliesCartridge 067 Black (1 350 pages), Cartridge 067H Black (3 130 pages); Cartridge 067 Cyan/Magenta/Yellow (1 250 pages each color), Cartridge 067H Cyan/Magenta/Yellow (2 350 pages each color)
Monthly duty cycle, pages/monthMax. 30 000 pages per month; Recommended Monthly Print Volume: 250 - 2 500 pages per month
Compatible Operating systemsWindows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Server 2022; Mac OS X version 10.11 & up; Linux

Canon i-SENSYS MF655cdw Printer/Scann...

№ 5158C004AA
Canon i-SENSYS MF655cdw Printer/Scanner/Copier
№ 5158C001AA
Лазерно многофункционално устройство
Canon i-SENSYS MF657Cdw Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax
Available functionsPrint, Copy, Scan, Fax
Print speed black, ppmSingle sided: Up to 21 ppm (A4), Up to 38 ppm(A5-Landscape); Double sided: Up to 12.7 ipm (A4); FPOT: 10.4 seconds or less
Print speed color, ppmSingle sided: Up to 21 ppm (A4), Up to 38 ppm(A5-Landscape); Double sided: Up to 12.7 ipm (A4); FPOT: 10.5 seconds or less
Printer resolutionUp to 1200 x 1200 dpi
Scanner, typeColour, Platen, 2-sided ADF (single pass)
Scanner resolutionOptical: Up to 600 x 600 dpi; Enhanced: Up to 9600 x 9600 dpi
Scanning methods and advanced FeaturesScan to: E-mail, PC, USB Memory Key, FTP, Cloud; Formats: TIFF/JPEG/PDF/Compact PDF/Searchable PDF; to Cloud: TIFF/JPEG/PDF/PNG; Maximum Scan Width: 216mm
Copy speed black, cpmSingle sided (A4): Up to 21 ppm, Double sided (A4): Up to 12.7 ppm; FCOT: Approx. 11.4 seconds or less (platen), 12.3 seconds or less (ADF)
Copy speed color, cpmSingle sided (A4): Up to 21 ppm, Double sided (A4): Up to 12.7 ppm; FCOT: Approx. 13.4 seconds or less (platen), 14.5 seconds or less (ADF)
Copy resolutionUp to 600 x 600 dpi
Number of copiesUp to 999 copies
Zoom25% to 400% in 1% increments
Fax, typeFax only, Fax/Tel Auto Switch; iFAX: ITU-T.37; Double Sided Faxing (Transmit and Receive)
Fax resolutionStandard: 200 x 100 dpi, Fine: 200 x 200 dpi, Super fine: 200 x 400 dpi, Ultra fine: 400 x 400 dpi
Modem speed33.6 Kbps (Up to 3 seconds/page)
Fax memory, pagesUp to 512 pages
Speed dialingUp to 281 dials
Group dialing / DestinationsMax. 299 dials / Max. 299 destinations; Sequential Broadcast: Max. 310 destinations
InterfaceUSB 2.0 Hi-Speed
Wireless networkWireless 802.11b/g/n, Wireless Direct Connection
Memory, MB1GB
Media, typePlain paper, Recycled paper, Heavy Paper, Thin paper, Colour paper, Coated paper, Label, Post card, Envelope
Media, sizeCassette: A4, A5, A5 (Landscape), B5, Legal, Letter, Executive, Statement, OFFICIO, B-OFFICIO, M-OFFICIO, GLTR, GLGL, Foolscap, 16K, Post card, Indexcard, Envelop (COM10, DL, C5, Monarch), Custom sizes
Media weight, g/m2Cassette: 60 to 163 g/m2 (Up to 200 g/m2 with Coated paper); Multi-purpose tray: 60 to 163 g/m2 (Up to 200 g/m2 with Coated paper) ADF: 50 to 105 g/m2
Input Paper capacity250-sheet cassette + 1-sheet manual feed slot; Maximum Paper Input Capacity: 251 sheets
Output paper capacity100-sheet
ADF2-sided 50-sheet ADF (single pass)

Canon i-SENSYS MF657Cdw Printer/Scann...

№ 5158C001AA
Canon i-SENSYS MF657Cdw Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax
№ 5455C012AA
Лазерно многофункционално устройство
Canon i-SENSYS MF752Cdw Printer/Scanner/Copier
Available functionsPrint, Copy, Scan
Print speed black, ppm33 ppm; FPOT: 7.1 seconds or less
Print speed color, ppm33 ppm; FPOT: 7.1 seconds or less
Printer resolutionUp to 1200 x 1200 dpi
Scanner, typeColour, Platen, 2-sided ADF (single pass)
Scanner resolutionOptical: Up to 600 x 600 dpi; Enhanced: Up to 9600 x 9600 dpi
Scanning methods and advanced FeaturesScan to: E-mail, PC, USB Memory Key, FTP, Cloud; Formats: TIFF/JPEG/PDF/Compact PDF/Searchable PDF; to Cloud: TIFF/JPEG/PDF/PNG; Maximum Scan Width: 216mm
Copy speed black, cpmSingle sided (A4): Up to 33 ppm; Double sided (A4): Up to 29 ipm; FCOT: 8.3 seconds or less
Copy speed color, cpmSingle sided (A4): Up to 33 ppm; Double sided (A4): Up to 29 ipm; FCOT: 9.4 seconds or less
Copy resolutionUp to 600 x 600 dpi
Number of copiesUp to 999 copies
Zoom25% to 400% in 1% increments
InterfaceUSB 2.0 Hi-Speed
Wireless networkWireless 802.11b/g/n, Wireless Direct Connection
Memory, MB1GB
Media, typePlain paper, Recycled paper, Heavy Paper, Thin paper, Colour paper, Coated paper, Pre-punched, Label, Post card, Envelope
Media, sizeA4, A5, A5 (Landscape), A6, B5, Legal, Letter, Executive, Statement, OFFICIO, B-OFFICIO, M-OFFICIO, GLTR, GLGL, Foolscap, 16K, Post card, Envelop (COM10, DL, C5, Monarch), Custom sizes
Media weight, g/m2Cassette (standard and optional): 60 to 163 g/m2 (Up to 200 g/m2 with Coated paper); Multi-purpose tray: 60 to 176 g/m2 (Up to 200 g/m2 with Coated paper); ADF: 50 to 105 g/m2
Input Paper capacity250-sheet cassette + 50-sheet multi-purpose tray; Option: 550-sheet cassette
Output paper capacity150-sheet
ADF50-sheet DADF
Duplex printingyes
Display12.7 cm LCD Colour Touch Screen
SuppliesCartridge 069 Black (2100 pages), Cartridge 069H Black (7 600 pages); Cartridge 069 Cyan/Magenta/Yellow (1 900 pages each color), Cartridge 069H Cyan/Magenta/Yellow (5 500 pages each color)
Monthly duty cycle, pages/monthMax. 50 000 pages per month; Recommended Monthly Print Volume: 750 - 4 000 pages per month
Compatible Operating systemsWindows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Server 2022 / Server 2019 / Server 2016 / Server 2012R2 / Server 2012; Mac OS X version 10.12 & up; Linux
Dimensions (W, D, H), mmwith Trays: 425 x 461 x 430 mm; Installation Space (W x D x H): 625 x 1117 x 991 mm

Canon i-SENSYS MF752Cdw Printer/Scann...

№ 5455C012AA
Canon i-SENSYS MF752Cdw Printer/Scanner/Copier
№ 5455C009AA
Лазерно многофункционално устройство
Canon i-SENSYS MF754Cdw Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax
Available functionsPrint, copy, Scan, Fax
Print speed black, ppm33 ppm; FPOT: 7.1 seconds or less
Print speed color, ppm33 ppm; FPOT: 7.1 seconds or less
Printer resolutionUp to 1200 x 1200 dpi
Scanner, typeColour, Platen, 2-sided ADF (single pass)
Scanner resolutionOptical: Up to 600 x 600 dpi; Enhanced: Up to 9600 x 9600 dpi
Scanning methods and advanced FeaturesScan to: E-mail, PC, USB Memory Key, FTP, Cloud; Formats: TIFF/JPEG/PDF/Compact PDF/Searchable PDF; To Cloud: TIFF/JPEG/PDF/PNG
Copy speed black, cpmSingle sided (A4): Up to 33 ppm; Double sided (A4): Up to 29 ipm; FCOT: 7.6 seconds or less ADF (A4); 8.3 seconds or less Platen (A4)
Copy speed color, cpmSingle sided (A4): Up to 33 ppm; Double sided (A4): Up to 29 ipm; FCOT: 8.8 seconds or less ADF (A4); 9.4 seconds or less Platen (A4)
Copy resolutionUp to 600 x 600 dpi
Number of copiesUp to 999 copies
Zoom25% to 400% in 1% increments
Fax, typeFax only, Fax/Tel Auto Switch; iFAX: ITU-T.37; Double Sided Faxing
Fax resolutionStandard: 200 x 100 dpi, Fine: 200 x 200 dpi, Super fine: 200 x 400 dpi, Ultra fine: 400 x 400 dpi
Modem speed33.6 Kbps (Up to 3 seconds/page)
Fax memory, pagesUp to 512 pages
Speed dialingUp to 281dials
Group dialing / DestinationsMax. 299 dials / Max. 299 destinations; Sequential Broadcast: Max. 310 destinations
InterfaceUSB 2.0 Hi-Speed
Wireless networkWireless 802.11b/g/n, Wireless Direct Connection
Memory, MB1GB
Media, typePlain paper, Recycled paper, Heavy Paper, Thin paper, Colour paper, Coated paper, Pre-punched, Label, Post card, Envelope
Media, sizeA4, A5, A5 (Landscape), A6, B5, Legal, Letter, Executive, Statement, OFFICIO, B-OFFICIO, M-OFFICIO, GLTR, GLGL, Foolscap, 16K, Post card, Envelop (COM10, DL, C5, Monarch), Custom sizes
Media weight, g/m2Cassette (standard and optional): 60 to 163 g/m2 (Up to 200 g/m2 with Coated paper); Multi-purpose tray: 60 to 176 g/m2 (Up to 200 g/m2 with Coated paper); ADF: 50 to 105 g/m2
Input Paper capacity250-sheet cassette + 50-sheet multi-purpose tray; Option: 550-sheet cassette
Output paper capacity150-sheet
ADF50-sheet DADF
Duplex printingyes
Display12.7 cm LCD Colour Touch Screen

Canon i-SENSYS MF754Cdw Printer/Scann...

№ 5455C009AA
Canon i-SENSYS MF754Cdw Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax
№ 6162C008AA
Лазерно многофункционално устройство
Canon i-SENSYS MF842Cdw Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax
Available functionsPrint, Copy, Scan and Fax
Print speed black, ppmSingle sided : Up to 38 ppm (A4), Up to 59 ppm(A5-Landscape); Double sided: Up to 38 ppm (Cassette), 21 ppm (Multi Purpose Tray); FPOT: 7.2 seconds or less
Print speed color, ppmSingle sided : Up to 38 ppm (A4), Up to 59 ppm(A5-Landscape); Double sided: Up to 38 ppm (Cassette), 21 ppm (Multi Purpose Tray); FPOT: 8.7 seconds or less
Printer resolutionUp to 1200 x 1200 dpi
Scanner, typeColour, Platen, 2-sided ADF (single pass)
Scanner resolutionOptical: Up to 600 x 600 dpi; Enhanced: Up to 9600 x 9600 dpi
Scanning methods and advanced FeaturesScan to: E-mail, PC, USB Memory Key, FTP, Cloud; iFAX
Copy speed black, cpmSingle sided (A4): Up to 38 ppm, Double sided (A4): Up to 38 ipm (Cassette), 21 ipm (Multi Purpose Tray); FCOT: 6.9 seconds or less
Copy speed color, cpmSingle sided (A4): Up to 38 ppm, Double sided (A4): Up to 38 ipm (Cassette), 21 ipm (Multi Purpose Tray); FCOT: 5.9 seconds or less
Copy resolutionUp to 600 x 600 dpi
Number of copiesUp to 999 copies
Zoom25% to 400% in 1% increments
Fax, typeFax only, Fax/Tel Auto Switch; iFAX: ITU-T.37; Double Sided Faxing
Fax resolutionStandard: 200 x 100 dpi, Fine: 200 x 200 dpi, Super fine: 200 x 400 dpi, Ultra fine: 400 x 400 dpi
Modem speed33.6 Kbps (Up to 3 seconds/page)
Fax memory, pagesUp to 30 000 pages; Memory Backup: Permanent fax memory backup (Backup with flash memory)
Speed dialingUp to 200 dials
Group dialing / DestinationsMax. 199 dials / Max. 199 destinations; Sequential Broadcast: Max. 256 destinations
InterfaceUSB 2.0 Hi-Speed
Wireless networkWireless 802.11b/g/n, Wireless Direct Connection
Memory, MB2GB + 64GB eMMC (available space 30GB)
Media, typeMulti-Purpose Tray: Plain / Recycled / Heavy / Thin /Colour / Coated paper, Pre-punched, Post card, Envelope; Cassette: Plain / Recycled / Heavy / Thin / Colour / Coated paper, Label, Pre-punched
Media, sizeCassette: A4, A5, A5 (Landscape), A6, B5, B6, Letter, Executive, Statement, GLTR, 16K; MPT: A4, A5, A5 (Landscape), A6, B5, B6, Legal, Letter, Executive, Statement, OFFICIO, GLTR, ILGL, GLGL, Foolscap, 16K, Post card, Envelopes; Custom sizes
Media weight, g/m2Cassette (standard and optional): 60 to 163 g/m2; Multi-purpose tray: 60 to 216 g/m2; ADF: 1-sided 42 to 128 g/m2 (BW), 64 to 128 g/m2 (CL); 2-sided 50 to 128 g/m2 (BW), 64 to 128 g/m2 (CL)
Output paper capacity200-sheet
ADF100-sheet DADF

Canon i-SENSYS MF842Cdw Printer/Scann...

№ 6162C008AA
Canon i-SENSYS MF842Cdw Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax