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MP3 player, Sony NW-WS413, Green

SONY компютърни периферни устройства >> Sony NW-WS413 Recommended service
Recommended service
Сервизни Центрове Сони: гр. София - Стемарк, тел. 02 962 1215, гр.София - Лас Сервиз, тел. 07001 71 80, гр. Пловдив - Пулсар, тел. 032 664945, гр.Бургас - АШ ЕООД, тел. 070042420, гр. София - Дарлингтон ЕООД, тел. 0899594881



Player, type MP3
Capacity, GB 4GB
Display -
Display, inch -
Resolution -
Decoding Format MP3/WMA/Linear PCM/AAC
Radio -
Battery life, hours Up to 12 hours (MP3, Ambient Sound Mode OFF)
USB connection Hi-Speed USB (USB 2.0)
Wireless network -
Sensors -
Camera -
Color Lime Green
Dimensions (W, D, H), mm -
Weight, g 32g
Other Earbuds (4 sets: S/M/L/LL) Waterproof Earbuds (4 set: S/M/L/LL) USB Cradle (1), USB Cable (1) Adjustment band (1)
Warranty 24 months

EAN: 4548736020474