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Player, Sony DVP-SR170 DVD player

SONY Home Video >> Sony DVP-SR170 DVD player Recommended service
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Сервизни Центрове Сони: гр. София - Стемарк, тел. 02 962 1215, гр.София - Лас Сервиз, тел. 07001 71 80, гр. Пловдив - Пулсар, тел. 032 664945, гр.Бургас - АШ ЕООД, тел. 070042420, гр. София - Дарлингтон ЕООД, тел. 0899594881



Features 1 Play back from a wide range of formats Including CD-R/RW, DVD+RW/+R/+R DL, DVD-RW/-R/-R DL (including 8cm DVD), JPEG, MP3, MPEG-4, WMA, AAC and Linear PCM.
Features 2 Choose fast or slow playback with sound Playback movies with sound as well as picture at approximately 1.5x normal speed. Or slow down to monitor sports action.
Features 3 Remember your place in up to six DVD discs Start watching exactly where you left off - this player can memorise resume points of up to six previously played discs.
Features 4 Create your own slideshow with a soundtrack See your pictures in a slideshow with background music of your choice.
Features 5 Upgrade the sound on your movies Connect to your sound system for great audio on both movies and CDs through included coaxial digital out lead.
Features 6 Control your player and TV with one remote control You can play or adjust the settings on your player and on your TV -including power, channel and volume - with your DVD remote.
Features 7 Space saving compact design At just 270mm this player packs a lot of features into a compact, stylish package.
Warranty 24 months

EAN: 4905524904093